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Supported Thesis Nutritional Sciences
Hermann Eiselen Scholarship Program

A total of 17 theses in the subject area of nutritional sciences were supported.

  • Wollmershäuser, Judith, Nutritional assessment using the CIMI approach in Lango Sub-Region, Uganda, 2019 Summary as View-PDF
  • Beitze, Damaris Elisabeth, Treatment and prevention of malnutrition among infants and young children in Birbhum District, West-Bengal, India, 2016 Summary as View-PDF
  • Camacho, Verena, Assessment of the nutritional status of school children aged 7 to 11 years in rural areas of Central Burkina Faso, 2014 Summary as View-PDF
  • Eitzenhöffer, Ramona, Assessment of the nutritional status of pregnant women in rural areas of central Burkina Faso, 2014 Summary as View-PDF
  • Jeremias, Theresa, Major risk factors of overweight/obesity of Samoan schoolchildren: anthropometric and dietary assessment including women’s appraisal, 2010 Summary as View-PDF
  • Lauvai, Judith, Dietary pattern of pregnant and breastfeeding women in Samoa: urban and rural comparison, 2010 Summary as View-PDF
  • Krumbein, Kristina, Improving the management of malnourished children during the rehabilitation phase - admitted in the Nutrition Unit of Kumi Hospital: Introduction of a Read-To-Use- Therapeutic Food (RUTF), 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Conzelmann, Claudia, Comparative study of mothers nursing an infant ≤ 1 year of age in the Highlands and the Lowlands of Bale, Ethiopia: Food intake and feeding practices, post-partum amenorrhea, contraceptive use, child spacing and nutritional status, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
  • Silber, Heike, Analyses of Anaemia in the Autonomous Oblast of Gorno-Badakhshan, Republic Tajikistan, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
  • Müller, Anja, Method validation and establishment - Retinol assessment out of capillary and venous dried blood spots and respective plasma from Indonesian preschool children, 2001 Summary as View-PDF
  • Back, Evelyn, Prelevance and Causes of Malnutrition in Urban and Rural Areas of Harari National Regional State, Ethiopia - A community based study -, 2000 Summary as View-PDF
  • Zemelka, Sonja, Measurement of Ferritin Levels: Comaparison of a Commercial IRMA to an in-house ELISA Method, 2000 Summary as View-PDF
  • Rau, Annegret, Supplementation of Iron and Zinc and the Effect on the Oxidant/Antioxidant Status in Guatemalan Schoolchildren with Regard to Zinc, 2000 Summary as View-PDF
  • Pauls, Ulrike, Nutritional status of pre-school children in a Hmong village in Northern Thailand - A case study in Mae Sa Mai village, Mae Rim District, Chiang Mai Province, 1999 Summary as View-PDF
  • Stütz, Wolfgang, Toxicological Assessment of Pesticide Residues among Hmong Farmers Living in Northern Thailand, 1999 Summary as View-PDF
  • Strobel, Manuela, Entwicklung einer Methode zur Bestimmung von Vitamin A in Muttermilch mittels HPLC (Development of a method for the determination of vitamin A in mother"s milk by HPLC), 1998 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Oppermann, Petra, The Effect of Heat Treatment of Amaranth on Trypsin and Chymotrypsin Inhibitory Activity and in Vitro Digestability, 1991 Summary as View-PDF


Information material and requirements for funding can be found under the following link:

► Application forms 2017
► Contact Dr. Marcus Giese, Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute, Uni. Hohenheim
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