Supported Thesis Grassland Management
Hermann Eiselen Scholarship Program
A total of 16 theses in the subject area of grassland management were supported.
- Gorim, Linda Yuya, Preliminary evaluation of legumes for their potential to suppress Imperata cylindrica, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
- Yonghachea, Prosper Fuambeng , Farmers’ perceptions of Imperata cylindrica and Chromolaena odorata fallows in the North West, South West and Littoral provinces of Cameroon, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
- Kirsch, Centa, Ertrag und Flavonoidgehalt der Medizinalpflanze Passiflora incarnata L. als Bodendecker in Obstplantagen Nordthailands (Yield and flavonoid content of the medicinal plant Passiflora incarnata L. as a ground cover in orchards in northern Thailand), 2000 Summary as View- PDF
- David, Heike, Leyfarming in den Tropen und Subtropen - eine Literaturarbeit mit Untersuchungen in Australien (Leyfarming in the tropics and subtropics - a literature work with studies in Australia), 1998 Summary as View-PDF
- Martínez Ramos, José Gerardo, Evaluierung des Tanningehalts und des Futterwerts in Abhängigkeit von der Entwicklung von Desmodium ovalifolium (Evaluation of tannins content and feed value as a function of the development of Desmodium ovalifolium), 1998 Summary as View-PDF
- Utzschneider, Rudolf, Erhaltung der Biodiversität von nativen Wildleguminosen des paraguayischen Chaco (Conservation of the biodiversity of native wild legumes of the Paraguayan Chaco), 1998 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Veh, Christine, Sammlung und Bestimmung von tropischen Wildleguminosen in Nordthailand (Collection and determination of tropical wild legumes in northern Thailand), 1998 Summary as View-PDF
- Klein, Bettina, Isoenzym-Charakterisierung einer Kollektion der tropischen Weideleguminose (Desmodium ovalifolium) (Isoenzyme characterization of a collection of tropical pasture leguminous (Desmodium ovalifolium)), 1997 Summary as View-PDF
- Hohn, Harry, Untersuchungen zur Amphikarpie von Macroptilium panduratum (Mart. ex Benth.) Maréchal et Baudet, im Chaco Boreal, Paraguay (Studies on the amphicarpie of Macroptilium panduratum (Mart. Ex Benth.) Maréchal et Baudet, in the Chaco Boreal, Paraguay), 1996 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Goldscheider, Stefanie, Halophytische und xerophytische Wüstensträucher im Negev - Inhaltsstoffe und Eignung als Futter für angepasste Weidetiere (Halophytic and xerophytic desert shrubs in Negev - Ingredients and suitability as feed for adapted grazing animals), 1995 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Marwan, Thomas, Untersuchungenüber Fruchtfolgewirkung von verbesserten Weiden auf den Ertrag von Trockenreis in den Llanos Orientales, Kolumbien (Studies on the effect of crop rotation of improved pasture on the yield of dry rice in the Llanos Orientales, Colombia), 1995 Summary as View- PDF
- Stosiek, Dieter, Ertrags- und Qualitätsmerkmale von tropischen Weidegräsern im Kronenschutz von Bäumen (Yield and quality features of tropical pasture grasses In the shade of trees), 1991 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Pabst, Sabine, Das Beweiden von Gerste mit Schafen in Syrien (The grazing of barley by sheep in Syria), 1990 Summary as View-PDF
- Bruderreck, Bettina, Vegetationstypen von Savannen und deren futterwirtschaftlicher Wert im ostbolivianischen Tiefland (Provinz San Ignacio de Velasco, Depto. Santa Cruz) (The vegetation types of savannahs and their feeding value in the eastern plaine of Bolivia (San Ignacio de Velasco, Depto Santa Cruz)), 1989 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Sebert, Thea, Untersuchung zur Standorteignung, Akzeptanz sowie zum Futterwert ausgewählter Baum- und Straucharten an zwei Standorten der karibischen Küstenregion Kolumbiens (Investigation on the location, acceptance and feed value of selected tree and shrub species at two locations in the Caribbean coastal region of Colombia), 1989 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Mechel, Annette, Erhebung von botanischer Zusammensetzung, Ertrag und Leistung dreier Weiden unterschiedlicher Vorbehandlung im Alentejo (Portugal) (Collection of botanical composition, yield and performance of three pastures of different pre-treatment in Alentejo (Portugal)), 1988 Summary only in German as View-PDF
Information material and requirements for funding can be found under the following link:
► Application forms 2017
► Contact Dr. Marcus Giese, Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute, Uni. Hohenheim
Supported diploma and master thesis
- ► Supported theses 2015 – 2023
- ► Supported theses 2010 – 2014
- ► Supported theses 2005 – 2009
- ► Supported theses 2000 – 2004
- ► Supported theses 1993 – 1999
- ► Supported theses 1983 – 1992
- ► Africa
- ► Asia
- ► Latin America
- ► Australia/Oceania
- ► Europe/USA
- ► Soil Science
- ► Plant production and nutrition
- ► Plant breeding
- ► Agricultural ecology and plant protection
- ► Animal Husbandry
- ► Grassland
- ► Agricultural engineering
- ► Agricultural economics
- ► Rural sociology and extension
- ► Nutritional sciences
- ► Food technology
- ► Supported theses 2015 – 2023
- ► Supported theses 2010 – 2014
- ► Supported theses 2005 – 2009
- ► Supported theses 2000 – 2004
- ► Supported theses 1993 – 1999
- ► Supported theses 1983 – 1992
- ► Africa
- ► Asia
- ► Latin America
- ► Australia/Oceania
- ► Europe/USA
- ► Soil Science
- ► Plant production and nutrition
- ► Plant breeding
- ► Agricultural ecology and plant protection
- ► Animal Husbandry
- ► Grassland
- ► Agricultural engineering
- ► Agricultural economics
- ► Rural sociology and extension
- ► Nutritional sciences
- ► Food technology