Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2001: from the left award winner Sabine Daude, award winner Daniel Baumgartner and award winner Jörg Lustenberger
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2001: Award winner Sabine Daude
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2001: Award winner Daniel Baumgartner
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2001: Award winner Jörg Lustenberger
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2001: Laudator Prof. Dr. C. Bonte-Friedheim (Jury)
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2001: from the left Sabine Daude, Daniel Baumgartner, Jörg Lustenberger, Dr. Hermann Eiselen
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2001: from the left Sabine Daude, Daniel Baumgartner, Jörg Lustenberger, Dr. Hermann Eiselen
Award winners 2001
Sabine Daude
Humboldt-University of Berlin, 2000
"Food Security and the Developing Countries in the WTO Negotiations"
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Daniel Baumgartner
Universität Hohenheim, 2000
"Improvement of Traditional Methods of Palm Oil Processing in Cameroon"
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Jörg Lustenberger
ETH Zürich, 2001
"Sustainable Shrimp - Marktnische oder Wachstumspotential? (Sustainable Shrimp production - market niche or growth potential?)"
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The prize was awarded on October 9, 2001 at the Deutsche Tropentag at the University of Bonn by the Eiselen Foundation. The award winners received DM 5,000 each for their diploma thesis, which is a recognizable contribution to the improvement of the nutritional situation in developing countries.
The annoucement of the terms of application for 2024 will be published in October 2023.
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