Publications of supported research projects for the years 1982 – 1992
Publications from 2 supported projects in 1992:
- Admassie, Assefa, Analysis of Production Efficiency and the Use of Modern Technology in Crop Production. A Study of Smallholders in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia., 1995 Summary as View-PPF
- Rodríguez Montero, Werner, Crop Physiology of the Greater Yam (Discorea alata L.), 1997 Summary as View-PPF
Publication from one supported project in 1991:
- Elbashir, Sayda Mahgoub, Production of Vaccine against Haemorrhagic Septicaemia (HS) with Göttingen Bioreactor Technology using Local Sudanese Pasteurella multocida Strains B and E, 1993 Summary as View-PPF
Publications from 3 supported projects in 1990:
- Monje Mendoza, Juan Carlos, Möglichkeiten einer integrierten Bekämpfung von Zuckerrohrstengelbohrern (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) im Tiefland Boliviens mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Trichogamma spp. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) (Possibilities for the integrated control of cane borers (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in the lowlands of Bolivia, with special consideration of Trichogamma spp. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae)), 1996 Summary as View-PPF
- Nuglor, Surat, Investigations on Growth, Resource use and Yield of Upland Rice (Oryza sativa (L.)) and Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) as influenced by Alley Cropping with Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) in Northern Thailand, 1994 Summary as View-PPF
- Schaab, Ralf, Aphiden in Baumwolle und deren natürliche Gegenspieler (Aphids in cotton and their natural opponents), 1991 Summary only in German as View- PPF
Publications from 2 supported projects in 1989:
- Gerdes, Gerriet, Calibration of the Soybean Growth Simulation Model SOYGRO for Central Portugal, 1993 Summary as View-PPF
- Siebe Grabach, Christina, Akkumulation, Mobilität und Verfügbarkeit von Schwermetallen in langjährig mit städtischen Abwässern bewässerten Böden in Zentralmexiko (Accumulation, mobility and pIant avallabillty of heavy metals In soils irrigated with untreated sewage effluent In Central Mexlco" ), 1994 Summary as View-PPF
Publications from 3 supported projects in 1988:
- Gaigl, Andreas, Bedeutung verschiedener Raubmilbenarten als natürliche Gegenspieler der Grünen Maniokspinnmilbe Mononychellus tanajoa Bondar (Importance of different predatory mite species as natural opponents of the Green cassava spin mite Mononychellus tanajoa Bondar), 1996 Summary only in German as View- PPF
- Gürtler, Regina Angelika, Molekularbiologische Untersuchungen zur Aufklärung der Phagenresistenz an Lactococcus I. lactis 05M-47 (Molecular biology studies for the detection of the phage resistance of Lactococcus I. lactis 05M-47), 1992 Summary only in German as View-PPF
- Oppen, Matthias von, Untersuchung zur optimalen Auslegung einer solarthermischen Pumpe für kleinbäuerliche Brunnenbewässerung (Study of the optimal design of a solar thermal pump for small-scale well irrigation), 1990 Summary only in German as View- PPF
Publications from one supported project in 1987:
- Reining, Ludger, Charakterisierung und Verminderung der Bodenerosion durch Wasser in kleinbäuerlichen Maniokanbausystemen (Erosion in Andean Hillside Farming) , 1991 Summary only in German as View-PPF
- Reining, Ludger, Erosion in Andean Hillside Farming, 1992 Summary as View-PPF
Publications from 3 supported projects in 1986:
- Chandra, Subhash, Optimal Planning of Unreplicated Field Trials in Recurrent Selection, 1991 Summary as View-PPF
- George, Eckhard, Growth and Phosphate Efficiency of Grain Legumes and Barley under Dryland Conditions in Northwest Syria, 1993 Summary as View-PPF
- Mbayo, Ngoy-Lumbu L., Organisation eines integrierten ländlichen Entwicklungsprojektes - Ein Modell für den Südosten Zaires - (Organization of an integrated rural development project - A model for the southeast of Zaire -), 1987 Summary only in German as View-PPF
Publications from 3 supported projects in 1985:
- Gruber, Evi-Kornelia, Die Bedeutung des Getreidebreis für die Stadt- und Landbevölkerung in afrikanischen Hirse- und Maisgesellschaften (The importance of cereal porridge for the urban and rural population in African millet and maize societies) , 1988 Summary only in German as View-PPF
- Gruber, Evi-Kornelia, Die Bedeutung des Hirsebreis für die Dorf- und Stadtbewohner der Nuba-Berge/Süd-Kordofan, Sudan (The importance of the millet porridge for the village and city inhabitants of the Nuba Mountains / South Kordofan, Sudan), 1985 Summary only in German as View-PPF
- Pülschen, Ludwig, Die Segetalflora im Körnerfrucht-Produktionssystem der Zentralprovinz Schoa, Äthiopien, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung synökologischer Aspekte (The weed flora in the grain production system of the central province of Shoa, Ethiopia, with special consideration of synecological aspects), 1990 Summary only in German as View- PPF
- Seré, Chrysille, Teichwirtschaft als Betriebszweig in der kleinbäuerlichen Landwirtschaft Kolumbiens (Pond farming as a business activity in the small-scale agriculture of Colombia), 1988 Summary only in German as View-PPF
Publications from 3 supported projects in 1984:
- Braun, Mathias, Probleme des Pflanzenschutzes im kleinbäuerlichen Gemüseanbau des Zentralsudan, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung sozioökonomischer Aspekte (Problems of plant protection in small-scale vegetable cultivation of the Central Sudan, with special consideration of socioeconomic aspects), 1990 Summary only in German as View- PPF
- Kürschner, Ekkehard, Untersuchungen zu Art, Dynamik und Bedeutung der Segetalflora in West-Samoa unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) (Studies on the nature, dynamics and importance of the weed flora in Western Samoa with special consideration of Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott)), 1986 Summary only in German as View-PPF
Publications from 6 supported projects in 1983:
- Beck, Johannes, Die Segetalflora im Maisanbau Nicaraguas. Untersuchungen über Vorkommen, Bekämpfung und Interferenz mit der Kulturpflanze (The weed flora in corn cultivation of Nicaragua. Study on occurrence, control and interference with the crop plant) , 1985 Summary only in German as View-PPF
- Chantachaeng, Chintana, Land Settlement Policy, Agricultural Income and Farm Organization in Thailand - A Case Study of Khuan Phumiphol and Lamnamnan Land Settlement Projects , 1988 Summary as View-PPF
- Hartmann, Albrecht, Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten von Siedlerbetrieben in Thailand untersucht am Beispiel des Cashewanbaus in den Siedlungsprojekten Khuan Phumiphol und Lam Dom Noi (Study on the development of settlements in Thailand using the example of the Cashew cultivation in the Khuan Phumiphol and Lam Dom Noi settlement projects), 1989 Summary only in German as View-PPF
- Jung, Gerd-Heinrich, Untersuchung der Erfolgsvoraussetzungen und ökonomischen Auswirkungen einer verbesserten Saatguterzeugung in einem Entwicklungsland - Fallstudie Nepal - (Study on the Success Criteria and Economic Impact of Improved Seed Production in a Developing Country - Case Study Nepal -), 1988 Summary only in German as View-PPF
- Schmid, Wilhelm, Art, Dynamik und Bedeutung der Segetalflora in maisbetonten Produktionssystemen Togos (Nature, dynamics and importance of the weed flora in maize dominated production systems in Togo), 1987 Summary only in German as View- PPF
- Weber, Jürgen Ralf, Angewandte und hormonale Aspekte der Fruchtbehangsregulierung bei Mandarinen in der Cukurova (Türkei) (Applied and hormonal aspects of fruit hanging regulation control in mandarins in Cukurova (Turkey)) , 1986 Summary only in German as View-PPF
Publications from 7 supported projects in 1982:
- Clemens, Gerhard, Charakterisierung und Melioration von Chlorosestandorten (Characterization and Melioration of Chlorosis-inducing Soils), 1990 Summary as View-PPF
- Clemens, Gerhard und Arieh Singer, Ameliorating Chlorosis-Inducing Soils with Rock Materials of Varying Porosity and Iron Content, 1992 Summary as View-PPF
- Hertäg, Otto, Verbesserung der Effizienz der Vermarktung landwirtschaftlicher Produkte in Entwicklungsländern durch organisierte Marktveranstaltungen (Improvement of the efficiency of marketing agricultural products in developing countries through organized market events), 1989 Summary only in German as View-PPF
- Kaiser, Karl, Possibilities to increase the Technical and Economic Efficiencies of Nitrogen Fertilizers in Irrigated Rice in the Philippines, 1984 Summary as View-PPF
- Margraf, Josef, Ökologische Untersuchungen an Ifugao Reisterrassen, Philippinen. Kleinorganismen, Fauna und synökologische Betrachtungen (Ecological Studies at Ifugao Rice Terraces, Philippines. Small organisms, fauna and synecological considerations), 1985 Summary only in German as View-PPF
- Mattheß-Guerrero, Annemarie, Einkommenssteigerung und -sicherung in kleinbäuerlichen Haushaltsbetriebssystemen im Andenhochland Kolumbiens (Improvement and stabilizatíon of the income of small-scale household-farm-systems in the Andean highlands of Colombia), 1988 Summary as View-PPF
- Sempeho, George, Sheep and Goats in Nigerian Agriculture, 1985 Summary as View- PPF
- Turian, Günther, P- und Spurenelement-Verteilungsmuster in der Bodendecke der Azoren (Portugal) (P- and trace element distribution patterns in the Azores’ soil cover (Portugal)), 1986 Summary only in German as View-PPF
Please note the requirements for the support of innovative research projects in the field of food security under the following link:
- ► Supported projects 2016 – 2023
- ► Supported projects 2010 – 2015
- ► Supported projects 2003 – 2009
- ► Supported projects 1993 – 2002
- ► Supported projects 1982 – 1992
- ► Agricultural policy and food security
- ► Animal husbandry and food security
- ► Biodiversity and food security
- ► Climate change and food security
- ► Energy and food security
- ► Environmental issues and food security
- ► Gender and food security
- ► Hidden hunger
- ► Participatory approach and food security
- ► Post-harvest technologies and food security
- ► Rural institutions and food security
- ► Sustainable agriculture and food security
- ► Urban agriculture and food security
- ► Value chains and food security
- ► Water and food security
- ► Supported projects 2016 – 2023
- ► Supported projects 2010 – 2015
- ► Supported projects 2003 – 2009
- ► Supported projects 1993 – 2002
- ► Supported projects 1982 – 1992
- ► Agricultural policy and food security
- ► Animal husbandry and food security
- ► Biodiversity and food security
- ► Climate change and food security
- ► Energy and food security
- ► Environmental issues and food security
- ► Gender and food security
- ► Hidden hunger
- ► Participatory approach and food security
- ► Post-harvest technologies and food security
- ► Rural institutions and food security
- ► Sustainable agriculture and food security
- ► Urban agriculture and food security
- ► Value chains and food security
- ► Water and food security
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