Supported Dissertations
Hermann Eiselen Ph.D. Program
Land Use and Food Security
A total of 7 dissertations were supported in the thematic area of land use and food security:
- Quispe Zúñiga, Melissa Roxana , Mining and small-scale farming in the Andes: Socioenvironmental roots of land-use conflict, 2020 ZuSummary as View-PDF
- Mwingyine, Darius Tuonianuo, Emergent land commodification and intergenerational land relations in Northwestern Ghana, 2019 Summary as View-PDF
- Kirui, Oliver Kiptoo, Economics of Land Degradation, Sustainable Land Management and Poverty in Eastern Africa. The Extent, Drivers, Costs and Impacts, 2016 Summary as View-PDF
- Kuusaana, Elias Danyi, Large-scale land acquisitions for agricultural investments in Ghana - implications for land markets and smallholder farmers, 2016 Summary as View-PDF
- Baumgartner, Philipp W. M., The impacts of large-scale land-acquisition in East Africa on poverty reduction and the rural economy: Studies in Ethiopia and Uganda, 2015 Summary as View-PDF
- Haoran Yang, Land Rental Market and Rural Economic Development: Evidence from Rural Chongqing, China, 2015 Summary as View-PDF
- Mohammed, Hasen Yusuf, The influence of land use and cover changes on the pastoral rangeland systems of southern Ethiopia - How much woody cover is enough?, 2013 Summary as View-PDF
Here are the two Ph. D.-programs in the area of food security and rural poverty alleviation:
► Doctoral Program at Center for Development Research (ZEF); University of Bonn, Germany
► Doctoral Program at the Food Security Center (FSC), University of Hohenheim
- ► Africa
- ► Asia
- ► Latinamerica
- ► Animal husbandry and food security
- ► Biodiversity and food security
- ► Climate change and food security
- ► Diets, hidden hunger and food habits
- ► Energy and food security
- ► Environmental issues and food security
- ► Institutions and food security
- ► Land use and food security
- ► Political issues and food security
- ► Sustainable agriculture and food security
- ► Water and food security