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Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 1999: from the left Waltraud Ruthenberg, Otto Ruthenberg, Florian Conrad Stintzing, Dr. Hermann Eiselen, Mirjam Steglich
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 1999: Award winner Florian Conrad Stintzing and award winner Mirjam Steglich
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 1999: Handover of the certificate by Dr. H. Eiselen to award winner Florian Conrad Stintzing
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 1999: Handover of the certificate by Dr. H. Eiselen to award winner Mirjam Steglich
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 1999: from the left Prof. Dr. C. Bonte-Friedheim (Jury), Dr. Hermann Eiselen, Florian Conrad Stintzing, Mirjam Steglich, Prof. Dr. J. Sauerborn (Jury)
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 1999: from the left Waltraud Ruthenberg, Otto Ruthenberg, award winner Florian Conrad Stintzing, Dr. Hermann Eiselen, award winner Mirjam Steglich

Award winners 1999

Florian Conrad Stintzing
University of Hohenheim, 1999
"Partialanalyse und Analytik von Betaxanthinen und Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen von Betalainen in Früchten von Opuntia ficus-indica (Partial Analysis and Analysis of Betaxanthines and Investigations on the Presence of Betalaines in Fruits of Opuntia ficus-indica)"
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Mirjam Steglich
Humboldt-University of Berlin, 1999
"Smallholder Dairy Intensification in the Ethiopian Highlands: Consequences for Intra-household Resource Allocation and Distribution of Benefits - with Special Regards to Child Nutrition"
► Summary as View-PDF

The award was presented on October 14, 1999 at the Deutsche Tropentag at the Humboldt-University of Berlin by the Eiselen Foundation. The award winners received DM 5,000 each for their diploma thesis, which is a recognizable contribution to the improvement of the nutritional situation in developing countries.


The next announcement of the terms of application for 2025 will be published in October 2024.

► Announcement 2024 (View-PDF)
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