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Supported Thesis in Europe/USA
Hermann Eiselen Scholarship Program

A total of 8 theses were supported in Europe and USA.

In France one thesis was supported.

In Greece one thesis was supported.

  • Schwörer, Manfred, Wirtschaftlichkeit des Rebanbaus auf Kreta bei unterschiedlichen Produktionsrichtungen (Profitability of vine cultivation in Crete with different production alternatives), 1985 Summary only in German as View-PDF

In Italy one thesis was supported.

  • Kremer, Silvie, Stand der Tierproduktion in Tansania und bisherige Ansätze zu ihrer Verbesserung (State of animal production in Tanzania and previous approaches to their improvement), 1984 Summary only in German as View-PDF

In Portugal 3 theses were supported.

  • Mechel, Annette, Erhebung von botanischer Zusammensetzung, Ertrag und Leistung dreier Weiden unterschiedlicher Vorbehandlung im Alentejo (Portugal) (Collection of botanical composition, yield and performance of three pastures of different pretreatment in Alentejo (Portugal)), 1988 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Michalik, Susanne, Untersuchungen über das Auftreten von Milben in Tomatenkulturen Portugals unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Erfassungsmethoden (Studies on the occurrence of mites in tomato cultures in Portugal with particular reference to methods of collection), 1987 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Lausch, Roland, Ursachen mangelnder Trittfestigkeit von Weiden auf Andosolen (Causes of inadequate impact resistance of pastures on andosols), 1984 Summary only in German as View-PDF

In Spain one thesis was supported.

  • Nücker, Ulrike, Perspektiven der langfristigen Nutzung der in Spanien autochthonen genetischen Ressource Iberisches Schwein in ökologischer Haltung (Perspectives for the long-term use of the genetic resource of the autochthonous Iberian pig in ecological breeding in Spain), 2000 Summary only in German as View-PDF

In the USA one thesis was supported.

  • Alker, Daniel, Farmers" Rights and Intellectual Property Rights - Can the Conflicting Concepts be Reconciled?, 2001 Summary as View-PDF


Information material and requirements for funding can be found under the following link:

► Application forms 2017
► Contact Dr. Marcus Giese, Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute, Uni. Hohenheim
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