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Workshops, Conferences, Symposia

The Eiselen Foundation and the Foundation fiat panis have repeatedly encouraged and financially supported symposia and conferences. The discussion of scientific results and the exchange of scientists is an important starting point to stimulate the generation of research work.

Since 2000, the Eiselen Foundation and the successor Foundation fiat panis has been supporting the Tropentag, which provides an excellent overview of current tropical and development-oriented research and is an important network for tropical-oriented agricultural research. Between 500 and 800 participants take part in the conference every year.

Since 2010, the Foundation fiat panis has been supporting the Food Security Center of the University of Hohenheim on the World Food Day, which is held on October 16 in memory of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Year 1945, is celebrated. The Food Security therefore organizes a World Food Day Colloquium with outstanding representatives.

In 2018, the foundation supported the international congress "FOOD 2030: Towards Sustainable Agri-food Systems" at the University of Hohenheim from 4 - 5 April 2018. The conference dealt with topics ranging from health aspects through sustainable food production to the bioeconomy. Conference Summary as a View-PDF

In 2014 the scientific event "Regional economic cooperation in Central Asia: agriculture, water and trade" was supported at the University of Halle. It was organized by Prof. Dr. Thomas Glaube. Report of the conference only in German as a View-PDF

In the years 2013, 2015 and 2017, the fiat panis Foundation supported the international conference on Hidden Hunger with scholarships for participants. The conferences were initiated and carried out by Prof. Dr. Hans K. Biesalski of the University of Hohenheim:
Summary of the 1st Conference as a View-PDF
Summary of the 2nd Conference only in German as a View-PDF
Program of the 3rd Conference as a View-PDF
Program of the 4th Conference as a View-PDF

At the Humboldt University Berlin, the Foundation fiat panis supported the conference of Gender and Globalization in 2013: "Agriculture and Sustainable Rural Development in Times of Crisis." Conference-Report as a View-PDF

In 2012, the foundation supported the international conference on land use and rural development in mountain regions at the University of Hohenheim: International Scientific Conference on Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountain Areas, University of Hohenheim, April 16-18, 2012 Conference program as a View-PDF

In 2011, the Foundation supported the workshop "Gender, Nutrition and Right to Adequate Food" , which took place at the University of Hohenheim on May 20, 2011. Report of the workshop as a View-PDF

In 2011, the Foundation also supported the Research Symposium on Cooperation between the University of Rehovot and the University of Hohenheim , which took place at the University of Hohenheim on the 24th and 25th October. Report of the symposium only in German as a View-PDF

In 2011, the Foundation also supported the 25th Colloquium of the Research Center for Biotechnology and Plant Breeding, which was held on 16th and 17th November under the title "Crops Plants: Biodiversity and Genomics". Program of the colloquium as a View-PDF

2010 supported the foundation the conference of experts on skyfarming. Summary as a View-PDF

In 2009, the Eiselen Foundation supported the first conference of the World Food Day at the University of Hohenheim in collaboration with the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences. Report of the World Food Day as a View-PDF Impressions of the World Food Day in Hohenheim as a View-PDF

The Eiselen Foundation supported the student group FRESH of the University of Hohenheim at the conference on the Global Report on Agriculture (IAASTD) in 2008 and its importance for teaching and research: The AgAssessment and the Transformation of Agricultural Research & Education University of Hohenheim, 28 November 2008 Summary as a View-PDF

In 2008, the Eiselen Foundation also supported the international symposium on the interrelationships between agricultural systems in the lowlands and highlands in mountain regions and their resource management: Interdependencies between uplands and lowlands agriculture and resource management , University of Hohenheim , April 1-4, 2008. Conference program as a View-PDF

The Eiselen Foundation supported the event at the University of Hohenheim in 2007 Stuttgart Science - Solutions for the One World. Energy, Food, Mobility, Water, Environment and Migration in the eyes of the experts , which took place in September 2007 in cooperation with the GTZ and the City of Stuttgart. Summary as a View-PDF

On the occasion of the 80th birthday of Dr. Dr. h. c. Hermann Eiselen a scientific colloquium took place at the University of Hohenheim in May 2006. The title of the colloquium was: "Food and Nutrition Security of the World: The Role of Biotechnology" . For two days, the University of Hohenheim became the center of biotechnology and plant breeding. Experts discussed current problems, successes and visions for a world free from hunger. Program and contributions of the colloquium as View-PDF
Impressions of the Kolloquium in Hohenheim as a PDF-View

In 2005, the Eiselen Foundation supported the fourth All Africa Conference on Animal Agriculture , which took place at Arusha, Tanzania, from 20 to 24 September 2005. The main theme of the conference was "The Role of Biotechnology in Animal Agriculture to address Poverty in Africa. Opportunities and Challenges" . Program as a View-PDF

In January 2002, a symposium entitled "Sustaining Food Security and Managing Natural Resources in Southeast Asia: Challenges for the 21st Century" was held in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It took place at the University of Chiang Mai, Thailand and was organized together with the University of Hohenheim and Kasetsart University, Bangkok. The symposium should strengthen the efforts of the South-East Asian scientific community to provide solutions to the issues of food security and poverty reduction while improving the protection of natural resources. Program as a View-PDF
List of keynotes as a View-PDF List of lectures as a View-PDF List of posters as a View-PDF Summary of the symposium as a View-PDF

In the year 2000 the "3rd International Crop Science Congress" in Hamburg from 17 - 22 August 2000 was supported by the Eiselen Foundation. Program as a View-PDF

In 1999, the Eiselen Foundation supported a workshop in Vietnam on the importance of tropical legumes for animal nutrition and soil improvement: Evaluation of Tropical Legume Germplasm for Livestock Nutrition and Soil Improvement , Hanoi, Vietnam April 12-15, 1999 Program as a View-PDF

The Eiselen Foundation supported the 9th International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and its Interactions in Plants at the University of Hohenheim in 1997. International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants . Program as a View-PDF

Also in 1997, the Eiselen Foundation supported a regional workshop on the possibilities of control and control of the plant parasite Striga hermonthica in Ghana: Joint Action to control Striga in Africa: Experiences from Ghana . Program as a View-PDF

In 1996, an international symposium, sponsored and funded by the Foundation, was held at the University of Hohenheim, entitled "Food Security and Innovations: Successes and Lessons Learned" List of contributions and summary of the symposium as a View-PDF


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