Supported Thesis in Latin America
Hermann Eiselen Scholarship Program
A total of 181 theses were supported in Latin America.
In Argentina a total of 9 theses were supported.
- Windisch, Saskia Helen, Effects of repeated bunch trampling by grazing cattle on the botanical composition of Argentinean grasslands, 2015 Summary as View-PDF
- Weis, Kevin, Solargestützte Trocknung einheimischer Holzarten in der Provinz Chaco, Argentinien (Solar-supported drying of indigenous wood species in the province of Chaco, Argentina), 2005 Summary as View-PDF
- Volz, Ulrike, Etablierung biologischer Testverfahren zum Nachweis der ökotoxikologischen Wirkung von Oberflächengewässern in der Provinz Misiones/Argentinien - Untersuchungen zum Lemnaceen-Test, zum Keimungstest und zum Leuchtbakterien-Test (Establishment of biological test methods for the detection of the ecotoxicological effects of surface waters in the province of Misiones / Argentina - Studies on the Lemnaceae test, the germination test and the light bacteria test), 2000 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Huttenlocher, Franziska, Etablierung biologischer Testverfahren zum Nachweis der ökotoxikologischen Wirkung von Oberflächengewässern in der Provinz Misiones/Argentinien - Untersuchungen zum Tradescantia-micronucleus Test, zum Kressetest und zum Keimungstest (Establishment of biological test methods for the detection of the ecotoxicological effects of surface waters in the province of Misiones / Argentina - Studies of the tradescantia micronucleus test, the cress test and the germination test), 2000 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Löwer, Bettina, Der Einfluß von Staubdeposition auf die Bodenfruchtbarkeit der semiariden Pampa Argentiniens (The influence of dust deposition on the soil fertility of Argentine semi-arid pampas), 1999 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Gabel, Doris, Einfluß vulkanischer Asche und Nutzung auf die Böden der semiariden Pampa Argentiniens (Influence of volcanic ash and use on the soils of the semiarid Pampas of Argentina), 1993 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Ramsperger, Barbara, Veränderung des Bodenzustandes durch Nutzungswechsel am Beispiel von Regosols aus Löß im "Chaco Seco", Argentinien (Change of soil condition by different use. The example of Regosols from loess in "Chaco Seco", Argentina), 1992 Summary as View-PDF
- Riedel, Angela, Einflußfaktoren und Effekte von Winderosion und Bodendegradierung in der semiariden Pampa Argentiniens- Ein Vergleich von Acker- mit Waldböden entlang einer Litho- und Klimasequenz - (Influence Factors and Effects of Winderosion and Soil Degradation in the Semi-Pampas of Argentina - A comparison of arable and forest soils along a litho- and climatic sequence -), 1992 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Prüeß, Andreas, Verfügbares Phosphat in Böden aus Löß-Vulkanasche Gemischen der argentinischen Pampa-Semiarida (Available phosphate in soils from loess volcanic ash mixtures of Argentine Pampas-Semiarida), 1989 Summary only in German as View- PDF
In Bolivia a total of 10 theses were supported.
- Polanco Medina, Luis A., Seasonal food access as a pathway to the double burden of malnutrition: a case study of smallholder coffee farmers in Bolivia, 2019 Summary as View-PDF
- Mader, Lisa, Impact of cacao cropping systems, varieties and crown related parameters on cherelle wilt and yield, 2017 Summary as View-PDF
- Schüttel, Carsten, The impacts of globally fluctuating food prices on the Bolivian price level: Market Integration Analysis and Policy Evaluation against the Background of globally soaring Food Prices in 2007/08, 2010 Summary as View-PDF
- Kneer, Oliver, Concepts and actors in organic livestock husbandry in Bolivia, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
- Mergenthaler, Marcus, Integrating Non-Governmental Self-Financed Residental Social Care Services into the Context of Local Rural Development - The case of an orphanage with a dairy farm in Los Chacos Department of Santa Cruz/Bolivia, 2003 Summary as View- PDF
- Robles, Erika Alandia, Animal Health Management in a llama breeding project in Ayopaya, Bolivia. Parasitological Survey, 2003 Summary as View-PDF
- Eisele, Jenny, Die Bedeutung der Anglo Nubier-Ziege für kleinbäuerliche Betriebe in Ländern der Tropen und Subtropen (The importance of the Anglo-nubian goat for small farmers in countries of the tropics and subtropics), 2001 Summary as View-PDF
- Monje, Juan Carlos, Faktoren, die die Eiparasitierung von Zuckerrohrstengelbohrern Diatraea spp. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Santa Cruz-Bolivien, beeinflussen (Factors affecting the parasitization of sugarcane moth borers Diatraea spp. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Santa Cruz-Bolivia), 1990 Summary as View- PDF
- Bruderreck, Bettina, Vegetationstypen von Savannen und deren futterwirtschaftlicher Wert im ostbolivianischen Tiefland (Provinz San Ignacio de Velasco, Depto. Santa Cruz) (The vegetation types of savannahs and their feeding value in the eastern plaine of Bolivia (San Ignacio de Velasco, Depto Santa Cruz)), 1989 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Sigle, Margarete, Die Bedeutung der Segetalflora traditioneller Produktionssysteme in den Regionen Aiquile und Rakaypampa, Bolivien (The Importance of the Weed Flora of Traditional Production Systems in the Aiquile and Rakaypampa Regions, Bolivia), 1988 Summary only in German as View-PDF
In Bolivia and Peru together one thesis was supported.
- Halle, Christian, Assessment of current drying practices for South American pepper varieties (Capsicum spp.) with respect to final product quality, 2010 Summary as View-PDF
In Brasil a total of 31 theses were supported.
- Pereira Goss, Luisa, Agroecological transitions: a case study of the Terra Vista Settlement, 2022 Summary as View-PDF
- Zawada, Paulina, Effects of the integrated crop-livestock and crop-livestock-forestry systems on forage growth, grazing behaviour, feed intake and performance of Nellore heifers during the dry season in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, 2020 Summary as View-PDF
- Hinderer, Melanie, Macaw palm-based cropping systems and their potential for the coffee zone of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2019 Summary as View-PDF
- Massuela, Danilo, Hemp as a functional crop to promote food security in Quilombola communities in the Brazilian Sao Francisco valley: A Case Study, 2018 Summary as View-PDF
- Schiesari, Carolina, The unequal allocation of PRONAF resources: Which factors are determining the program’s intensity across Brazil?, 2017 Summary as View-PDF
- Wassie, Shimels, The effect of different carbohydrate and nitrogen sources on feed intake, nitrogen balance and performance of growing sheep, 2015 Summary as View-PDF
- Berger, Maximilian, Grazing behavior and movement patterns of Nellore beef cattle in three different pastoral systems in westerrn Paraná, Brazil, 2014 Summary as View-PDF
- Lienert, Anja, Acceptance of local farmers towards resource efficient production methods at the Itaparica reservoir in Northeast Brazil, 2013 Summary as View-PDF
- Falkenhagen, Fabian, Costs of Organic and Fair Trade Group Certification. A gross margin analysis in a cashew nut smallholder association in Brazil, 2008 Summary as View- PDF
- Schneider, Sarah, Geographical certification as production and commercialisation strategy for smallholder sheep farming in Ceará, Brazil, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
- Frank, Martha Laura, Environmental Impact of Conventional and Organic Shrimp Pond Effluents on the Guaraíras Lagoon: A Case Study at Tibau do Sul, Brazil, 2005 Summary as View- PDF
- Frey, Jens, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Potenzial der Biothanolproduktion in Brasilien (Profitability and potential of biothanol production in Brazil), 2004 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Friedrichsen, Jakob Rupert, Landless with Land. The Landless Rural Workers Movement MST and Agriarian Reform Settlers in Ceará state, Brazil, 2002 Summary as View- PDF
- Schmid, Birgit, Der Zusammenhang von Arbeit und “Gender” - am Beispiel der Situation in Sucre, Brasilien (The relationship between work and "gender" - the example of the situation in Sucre, Brazil), 2002 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Haag, Rita, Der Humusvorrat als Basisindikator für den Grad der Bodendegradation in anthropogen veränderten Araukarienwäldern auf der Hochebene Rio Grande do Sul (Südbrasilien) (The humus stock as a basic indicator for the degree of soil degradation in anthropogenically modified araucaria forests on the high level Rio Grande do Sul (South Brazil)), 2002 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Krauß, Carmen D., Limnologische Untersuchen zur ökologischen Bewertung von Fließgewässern in Rio Grande do Sul, Brasilien - Bewertung und Lösungsansätze - (Limnological Investigation for the Ecological Assessment of River Waters in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - Evaluation and Approaches), 2001 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Hintemann, Therese, Bodenmikrobiologische und ökotoxikologische Bewertung der Schadstoffbelastung von Böden- und Mangobäumen in dem Industriegebiet Pólo Petroquímico de Camaçari im Nordosten Brasiliens (Soil microbiological and ecotoxicological assessment of the pollution of soils and mango trees in the industrial area Pólo Petroquímico de Camaçari in the north-east of Brazil), 2001 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Marohn, Carsten, Standortskundliche Charakterisierung unterschiedlicher landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe im semiariden Nordosten Brasiliens zur Ermittlung angepaßter Landnutzungsformen (Local characterization of different farms in the semi-arid north-east of Brazil to determine adapted land-use patterns), 1998 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Bauer, Konrad, Ökotoxikologische Untersuchungen am Rio Cachoeira, Bahia, Brasilien zur Einführung eines Bioindikationssystems für tropische Fließgewässer (Ecotoxicological studies at Rio Cachoeira, Bahia, Brazil to introduce a bioindication system for tropical watercourses), 1997 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Wetzel, Sabine, Auswirkungen von Anreicherungspflanzungen mit Baumleguminosen auf die Spontanvegetation im östlichen Amazonasgebiet, Brasilien (Effects of enrichment plantings with tree legumes on spontaneous vegetation in the eastern Amazon region, Brazil), 1997 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Häussler, Brigitte, Anspruch und Wirklichkeit der Basisbewegung im Nordosten Brasiliens - Fallstudie der Cooperative COOMAP - (Demand and reality of the basic movement in the north-east of Brazil - case study of the Cooperative COOMAP -), 1996 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Zurek, Monika B., Zur Akkumulation kupferhaltiger Fungizide in verschiedenen Kompartimenten von Kakaoplantagen Südbahias, Brasilien (The accumulation of coppercontaining fungicides in various compartments of cocoa plantations in South Bahia, Brazil) , 1996 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Herfort, Joachim, Wachstum, Nährstoffaufnahme und Mykorrhizainfektion von Mais auf erodiertem und nicht erodiertem Boden in einem Feldversuch in Mococa/Brasilien (Growth, nutrient uptake and mycorrhizal infection of maize on eroded and non-eroded soil in a field trial in Mococa / Brazil), 1995 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Weiss, Gerd Ulrich, Verbreitung und ausgewählte Standortseigenschaften von Böden zweier Kleinlandschaften im semiariden Nordosten Brasiliens (Distribution and selected location characteristics of soils of two small landscapes in the semi-arid North- East of Brazil), 1995 Summary as View-PDF
- Bach, Bettina, Möglichkeiten der Erosionsbekämpfung durch unterschiedliche Anbauverfahren und ihre ökonomischen Wirkungen auf die Organisation und Einkommenssituation von landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben in Paraná, Brasilien (Possibilities of erosion control through different farming practices and their economic impact on the organization and income situation of agricultural holdings in Paraná, Brazil), 1993 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Kümmel, Albrecht, Kollektives Wirtschaften als Strategie der Existenzsicherung. Eine Fallstudie über eine Gruppe angesiedelter Familien in Rio Grande do Sul, Brasilien (Collective management as a strategy of livelihood. A case study on a group of resident families in Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil), 1990 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Rabus, Nicole, Kollektives Wirtschaften als Strategie der Existenzsicherung. Eine Fallstudie über eine Gruppe angesiedelter Familien in Rio Grande Do Sul, Brasilien (Collective management as a strategy of livelihood. A case study on a group of resident families in Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil), 1990 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Lorleberg, Wolf, Beitrag der Agrarreform zur pflanzlichen Produktion und Produktivität am Beispiel des Bundesstaates Sao Paulo, Brasilien (Contribution of the agricultural reform to plant production and productivity. The example of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil), 1990 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Seidel, Richard Henri, Wie sind pflanzliche Öle als Treibstoff-Alternative zum Äthanol und Erdöl zu bewerten ? - in Brasilien, in Europa - (How to evaluate vegetable oils as a fuel alternative to ethanol and petroleum? - in Brazil, in Europe -), 1989 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Bartels, Ute, Brechung der Dormanz durch Kälte- und Hormonbehandlung von Apfelbäumen in Brasilien (Refraction of the dormancy by cold and hormone treatment of apple trees in Brazil), 1987 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Ernst, Reinhild, Qualitative Aufnahme nativer Futterpflanzen durch Ziegen und ihr Freßverhalten im Gelände. Untersuchung während der Trockenzeit auf der Chapada Grande in Zentralpiaul im Nordosten Brasiliens (Qualitative intake of native fodder plants by goats and their feeding behavior in the field. Study during dry season on the Chapada Grande in Central Piaul in north-east Brazil), 1984 Summary only in German as View- PDF
In Chile a total of 10 theses were supported.
- Wittmann, Katharina, Analysis of chemical, physical and botanical properties of Quillaja honey in order to support Fair Trade honey production in Chile, 2013 Summary as View- PDF
- Latynskiy, Evgeny, Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture and Poverty in Linares Province of Chile, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
- Heitkämper, Katja, Management and Profitability of Photovoltaic Operated Pumping Systems for Irrigation in Northern Chile, 2000 Summary as View-PDF
- Häfner, Frank, Förderung von Kleinstunternehmen durch das Bildungssystem in Chile (Promotion of micro-enterprises by the education system in Chile), 2000 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Fraas, Daniel, Ökonomisch - technischer Vergleich verschiedener Bewässerungssysteme für den Arzneipflanzenanbau in Chile (Economical - technical comparison of different irrigation systems for the medicinal plant cultivation in Chile), 1998 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Kaiser Trujillo, Maria Cecilia, Erfolgreiche Privatisierung der landwirtschaftlichen Beratung in Chile? Fallstudie eines Beratungsrings für Milcherzeuger (Successful privatization of agricultural extension in Chile? Case study of a consultative ring for milk producers), 1998 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Dürr, Jochen, Maßnahmen zur Begleichung der "sozialen Schuld" im Rahmen von Strukturanpassung: Der "Fondo Social de Emergencia" in Bolivien (Measures to meet the "social debt" within the framework of structural adjustment: The "Fondo Social de Emergencia" in Bolivia), 1997 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Madsen, Helle, Auswirkung von Holzasche und Sägemehl auf die Fruchtbarkeit von Böden pyroklastischen Ursprungs in Südchile (Effect of wood ash and sawdust on the fertility of soils of pyroclastic origin in southern Chile), 1992 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Schlagenhauf, Margit, Partizipation und ländliche Entwicklung. Fallstudie über die Arbeit einer Nichtregierungsorganisation mit Kleinbauern in der Zona Central (Zentralzone), Chile (Participation and rural development. Case study on the work of a non-governmental organization with small-scale farmers in the Zona Central (Central Zone), Chile), 1992 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Horan, Dieter, Möglichkeiten und Schwierigkeiten der chemischen Fruchtausdünnung von Nektarinen in Chile (Possibilities and difficulties of the chemical fruit thinning of nectarines in Chile), 1984 Summary only in German as View-PDF
In Columbia a total of 27 theses were supported.
- Mauthe, Franziska, Genetic diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of Theobroma cacao as influenced by environmental factors, 2023 Summary as View-PDF
- Ruggaber, Julian, Interaction of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi with the tropical grass Brachiaria humidicola with special emphasis on the phenomenon of Biological Nitrification Inhibition, 2019 Summary as View-PDF
- Ramdeen, Raisa, Evaluating seed quality traits in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) to generate genomic prediction models, 2018 Summary as View-PDF
- García Hoyos, Ana María, Current state and challenges of the Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) of native and traditional seeds for the local seed network in Colombia, 2017 Summary as View-PDF
- Contreras Arias, Carolina und David Raphael Hölle, Social network analysis of the monogastric animal production in the Popayan Region of Colombia, 2010 Summary as View- PDF
- Martínez Ramos, José Gerardo, Evaluierung des Tanningehalts und des Futterwerts in Abhängigkeit von der Entwicklung von Desmodium ovalifolium (Evaluation of tannins content and feed value as a function of the development of Desmodium ovalifolium), 1998 Summary as View-PDF
- Häring, Anna Maria, Indikatoren der Bodendegradation, strukturelle Stabilität und Bodenerosion in traditionellen und alternativen kleinbäuerlichen Maniokanbausystemen in den Andenvorbergen Südkolumbiens (Indicators of soil degradation, structural stability and soil erosion in traditional and alternative small-scale cassava-farming systems in the Andean Mountains of Southern Colombia), 1997 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Klein, Bettina, Isoenzym-Charakterisierung einer Kollektion der tropischen Weideleguminose (Desmodium ovalifolium) (Isoenzyme characterization of a collection of tropical pasture leguminous (Desmodium ovalifolium)), 1997 Summary as View- PDF
- Marwan, Thomas, Untersuchungenüber Fruchtfolgewirkung von verbesserten Weiden auf den Ertrag von Trockenreis in den Llanos Orientales, Kolumbien (Studies on the effect of crop rotation of improved pasture on the yield of dry rice in the Llanos Orientales, Colombia), 1995 Summary as View-PDF
- Beitz de Lagos, Astrid, Optimierung der Fermentation von Maniok zur Produktion von saurer Stärke (Optimization of fermentation of cassava for the production of acidic starch), 1994 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Münchmeyer, Bernhard, Untersuchung zur Wirkung verringerter Blattflächen und Blattmassen auf Wachstum, Zuckersynthese und Ertrag von Zuckerrohr (Study on the effect of reduced leaf areas on growth, sugar synthesis and yield of sugar cane), 1994 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Abadía-Pensel, Jürgen, Analyse der Vermarktung von Bohnen (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Kolumbien (Analysis of marketing of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Colombia), 1993 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Fichtner, Kurt, Die Segetalflora des Naßreis-Ökosystems der Llanos Orientales (Kolumbien) und die Bedeutung des Bewässerungswassers hinsichtlich der Unkrautpoblematik (The weed flora of the irrigated rice ecosystem of the Llanos Orientales (Colombia) and the importance of irrigation water with regard to the weed poblematics) , 1993 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Muhr, Lambert, Untersuchungen zu unterirdischen Konkurrenzfaktoren in einem Mischanbausystem von Maniok mit Futterleguminosen (Study on below-ground competition factors in a mixed cultivation system of cassava with fodder legumes), 1993 Summary as View-PDF
- von Kamen, Rüdiger, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Anbaus von Buschbohnen (Phalseolus vulgaris L.) als Unterkultur in Zitrusanlagen unterschiedlichen Alters (Possibilities and limits of the cultivation of bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as an underculture in citrus plantations of different age), 1992 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Portugal, Luz Alicia Jiménez, Marktpreise und Qualitätsmerkmale von Bohnen (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.). Anwendung der hedonischen Preisanalyse (Market prices and quality characteristics of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.). Application of hedonic price analysis), 1991 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Simm, Daniela, Untersuchungen von Bohnenanbausystemen in Rein- und Mischkultur mit unterschiedlicher Standraumnutzung und Nährstoffversorgung (Study of bean cultivation systems in pure and mixed culture with different use of space use and nutrient supply), 1991 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Fichtner, Claudia, Einflußfaktoren auf den Entwicklungszyklus von Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br. (Factors influencing the development cycle of Hemileia vastatrix Berk. Et.), 1990 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Sebert, Thea, Untersuchung zur Standorteignung, Akzeptanz sowie zum Futterwert ausgewählter Baum- und Straucharten an zwei Standorten der karibischen Küstenregion Kolumbiens (Investigation on the location, acceptance and feed value of selected tree and shrub species at two locations in the Caribbean coastal region of Colombia), 1989 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Engelhard, Brigitte, Wirkung verschiedener Strahlungs- und Düngerstufen unter natürlicher und künstlicher Beschattung auf die Ertragsbildung der Ackerbohne (Vicia faba L.) unter Anbaubedingungen des andinen Hochlandes von Kolumbien (Effect of various radiation and fertilizer levels under natural and artificial shading on the yield of the faba beans (Vicia faba L.) under cultivation conditions of the andine upland of Colombia), 1988 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Michelsen, Heike, Analyse der Entwicklung der Milchviehhaltung in den feuchten Tropen am Beispiel von Caqueta (Kolumbien) (Analysis of the development of dairy farming in the humid tropics using the example of Caqueta (Colombia)), 1988 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Bormuth, Claus, Der Anbau von Trockenreis unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Llanos orientales von Kolumbien als regionales Reisanbaugebiet (The cultivation of rainfed rice with special consideration of the Llanos orientales of Colombia as a regional rice cultivation area), 1987 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Spieth, Michael, Pflanzenbauliche Maßnahmen zu Verbesserung des Maniokanbaus in Hanglagen in Kolumbien (Agronomic measures to improve cassava farming on slopes in Colombia), 1987 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Hufnagel, Johannes, Zum Einfluß von Maniok-Monokulturen und Maniok- Fruchtfolgesystmen auf die Bodenfruchtbarkeit eines sandigen, nährstoffarmen Bodens - Auswertung eines Langzeitversuches an der Nordküste Kolumbiens (On the Influence of Cassava Monocultures and Cassava Fruit Seed Systems on the Soil Fertility of a Sandy, Low-Nutrient Soil - Evaluation of a long-term experiment on the north coast of Colombia) , 1986 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Keck, Andreas, Anpassung und Ertragssicherheit bei Maniok (Manihot esculenta Crantz) - Verhalten von herkömmlichen Sorten und Neuzüchtungen (Adaptation and yield security of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) - Reaction of conventional varieties and new breeds), 1986 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Lehle, Manfred, Erosionsuntersuchungen im Nahrungspflanzenanbau auf andinen Hangflächen Kolumbiens (Erosion studies in food plant cultivation on andine slopes of Colombia), 1986 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Schroth, Erhardt, Herkömmliche und neue Anbautechnologien für Maniok - ihre Bestandteile und Auswirkung auf den Anbau, gezeigt am Beispiel Kolumbiens (Conventional and new cultivation technologies for cassava - their components and impact on cultivation, shown by the example of Colombia), 1985 Summary only in German as View- PDF
In Costa Rica a total of 23 theses were supported.
- Schlösinger, Anne, From waste to taste: Recycling of the coffee by-product „fresh pulp“ into fruit spreads, 2024 Summary as View-PDF
- Stadelmeyer, Kristin, Development and quality evaluation of pastries enriched with coffee flour produced from Costa Rican coffee cherries, 2023 Summary as View-PDF
- Berning, Julia Christin, Chemical and morphological characterisation of fruits from wild-growing Bactris guineensis (L.) H. E. Moore palms from Costa Rica, 2019 Zusammenfassung als Ansichts-PDF
- Kauk, Christina: Establishment, multiplication and in vitro regeneration of guava (Psidium guajava L.), 2018 Summary as View-PDF
- Arcas Pilz, Verónica, Supermarkets as a diversification strategy of coffee cooperatives: the case of Coopedota R. L. in Costa Rica, 2016 Summary as View-PDF
- Wagner, Sigrun, Ecological comparison of carbon neutral certified and non-certified coffee farms in the Los Santos Valley, Costa Rica, 2015 Summary as View-PDF
- Hempel, Judith, Characterization of morphological and chemical traits of Bactris gasipaes fruits with special reference to their carotenoid composition, 2013 Summary as View- PDF
- Schilly, Ayla, Screening root-endophyte diversity in Musa spp. to manage Fusarium oxysprorum f. sp. cubense, the causal agent of Fusarium wilt of banana, 2013 Summary as View-PDF
- Steingaß, Christof, Chemische und morphologische Charakterisierung costaricanischer Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Genotypen siwie Untersuchungen zur Chromoplastenentwicklung und Carotinoidakkumulation während der Reifung (Chemical and morphological characterization of costa-rican papaya (Carica papaya L.) genotypes as well as studies on the development of chromoplast and carotinoid accumulation during ripening), 2010 Summary as View-PDF
- Huber, Yvonne, Evaluierung der flüchtigen Komponenten und der sensorischen Eigenschaften von verschiedenen Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Genotypen aus Costa Rica (Evaluation of volatile components and sensory properties of different papaya (Carica papaya L.) genotypes from Costa Rica), 2010 Summary as View-PDF
- Schweiggert, Ralf Martin, Untersuchungen zur Herstellung von Fruchtsaftkonzentraten aus Hylocereus sp. (Studies on the production of fruit juice concentrates from Hylocereus sp.), 2009 Summary as View-PDF
- Tschanadi, Aylin, Utilization of by-catch and processing wastes from marine fishery in feeds for the organic aquaculture of marine shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei in Costa Rica, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
- Wurst, Selma, Evaluation of protein-rich feed ingredients for the organic production of freshwater prawns Macrobrachium rosenbergii by smallholders in the inlands of Costa Rica, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
- Gouriveau, Fabrice, Ecological and Participatory Assessment of the Impact of Silvopastoral Systems on Butterfly Diversity in the Seasonally Dry Tropics, Costa Rica, 2004 Summary as View-PDF
- Blank, Daniel, Public-Private-Partnerships in Agricultural Research: Potentials and Limitations in the Case of Costa Rica, 2003 Summary as View-PDF
- Wünscher, Tobias, Early adoption of Arachis pintoi as a forage legume by farmers in Huetar Norte, Costa Rica, 2001 Summary as View-PDF
- Zimpel, Anke, Technisch-ökonomische Bewertung der Solartrocknung im Kaffeeanbau Costa Ricas (Technical-economical evaluation of solar drying in coffee growing areas of Costa Rica), 1998 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Luibrand, Annette, Biologisch angebauter Kaffee. Eine ökonomisch lohnende Alternative? Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel Costa Ricas (Biologically grown coffee. An economically viable alternative? A study using the example of Costa Rica), 1997 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Moser, Marietta, Untersuchungen zum Laktationsverlauf von Milchkühen in Costa Rica (Studies on the lactation process of dairy cows in Costa Rica), 1997 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Blume, Andreas, Der Weltmarkt für Kaffee unter dem Einfluß internationaler Rohstoffpolitik und Wirkungen auf das Erzeugerland Costa Rica (The world market for coffee under the influence of international commodity policy and effects on the producer country Costa Rica), 1996 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Krauß, Evelyn, Auswirkungen des Erstkalbealters auf die Laktationsleistung von Holstein Friesian und Jersey Kühen in Costa Rica (Effects of the age of first-calf cows on the lactation performance of Holstein Friesian and Jersey cows in Costa Rica), 1996 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Compart Fäs, Wilfried, Angaben zum Gemüsebau in Costa Rica mit Ergebnissen einer Umfrage bei Gemüseproduzenten am Vulkan Irazú (Information on vegetable production in Costa Rica with results from a survey of vegetable producers at Irazú volcano), 1985 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Riedel, Gudrun, Untersuchungen zum Gemüsebau in Costa Rica, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Unkrautproblematik (Study on vegetable cultivation in Costa Rica, with special attention to the problem of weeds), 1985 Summary only in German as View- PDF
In Cuba one thesis was supported.
- Hammer, Martina, Future Potentials for Food Production and Wastewater Treatment in Havana’s Urban Vegetable Production, 2004 Summary as View-PDF
In the Dominican Republic one thesis was supported.
- Wagner, Liliane, Ökonomische Rahmenbedingungen für den Einsatz von Niem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) im Rahmen eines integrierten Pflanzenschutzprojektes in der Dominikanischen Republik (Economic framework for the use of Niem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) within an integrated plant protection project in the Dominican Republic), 1991 Summary only in German as View-PDF
In Ecuador a total of 4 theses were supported.
- Pinos Barreto, Susy Alejandra, Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plant Species used by traditional midwives in Cotacachi, Imbabura Province, Ecuador, 2006 Summary as View- PDF
- Schlotmann, Lorenza, Privatisierung von Beratungsdiensten. Fallstudien in Beratungsorganisationen in Ecuador (Privatization of extension services. Case studies in extension organizations in Ecuador), 1997 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Probst, Kirsten, Agrarökologische Untersuchungen zur Arthropodenfauna im Tomatenanbau in Ecuador (Agricultural ecology of arthropod fauna in tomato cultivation in Ecuador), 1995 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Christinck, Anja, Düngerwirtschaft und Mineralstoffkreisläufe in kleinbäuerlichen Betrieben der Provinz Azuay im Hochland von Ecuador (Fertilizer and nutrient cycles in small-scale farms of the province of Azuay in the highlands of Ecuador), 1992 Summary as View- PDF
In El Salvador one thesis was supported.
- Gownipuram, Ravindravarma, The use of sorghum-legume silages for feeding of crossbred lactating cows in El Salvador, 2016 Summary as View-PDF
In Guatemala one thesis was supported.
- Rau, Annegret, Supplementation of Iron and Zinc and the Effect on the Oxidant/Antioxidant Status in Guatemalan Schoolchildren with Regard to Zinc, 2000 Summary as View- PDF
In Haiti one thesis was supported.
- Volkmer, Gabriele, Kleinbäuerliche Agrarkreditvergabe unter alternativen Organisationsformen. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung am Beispiel der Gonaives-Ebene, Haiti (Smallholder agrarian lending under alternative organizational forms. A comparative study using the example of the Gonaives plain, Haiti), 1985 Summary only in German as View- PDF
In Honduras one thesis was supported.
- Reiber, Christoph, Potential and constraints of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in Honduran hillside - A farmers’ assessment, 2004 Summary as View-PDF
In Mexiko a total of 21 theses were supported.
- Silveira-Mondaini, Alexandre, Selection Signatures in CIMMYT’s International Elite Spring and Semi-Arid Wheat Yield Trials, 2019 Zusammenfassung als Ansichts-PDF
- Nunez Burbano de Lara, Maria Daniela, Changes in traditional cultivation and use of maguey (Agave spp.) and nopal (Opuntia spp.) in the Upper Mezquital Valley of Mexico: Relevance for sustainabel livelihoods, 2012 Summary as View-PDF
- Burkard, Florian, Variation of fertility among haploids of (sub)tropical maize (Zea mays L.), 2010 Summary as View-PDF
- Thürbeck, Nadja, An Assessment of Vulnerability of rural households in Mexico, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
- Steinhoff, Jana, Phenotyping methods to assess grain yield of maize inbred lines and hybrids under different water regimes, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
- Wuthenau, Matthias von, The suitability of the free living nematode Panagrellus redivivus as live food for first feeding Litopenaeus vannamei larvae, 2004 Summary as View- PDF
- Elfadl Yousif Elmogtaba, Evaluation of heterosis in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.), 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Flachenecker, Christian, Genetic diversity between CIMMYT bread wheat cultivars and its correlation to heterosis, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Hohn, Norbert, Geschäftsprozeßanalyse der Kreditvergabe der BANRURAL in Mexiko mittels Modulationssoftware "Architektur integrierter Informationssysteme (ARIS)" (Business process analysis of BANRURAL"s credit award in Mexico by means of modulation software "Architecture of Integrated Information Systems (ARIS)"), 2001 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Reif, Jochen Christoph, Genetic distance within and between seven tropical late white maize populations and relation between the genetic distance between the populations and the heterosis of the population crosses, 2001 Summary as View-PDF
- Tilch, Sebastian, Wirtsannahme und Wirtssperzialisierung dreier neotropischer Arten von Trichogramma (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wirtslegeform (Acceptance and host-cultivation of three neotropic species of Trichogramma (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) with particular consideration of the host coat), 2001 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Roth, Brigitte, Die Verteilung von Schwermetallen in Sedimenten und redoximorphen Böden in der durch Erdölförderung geprägten Region Tabasco, Mexiko (The distribution of heavy metals in sediments and redoximorphic soils in the region of Tabasco, Mexico characterized by petrol production), 2000 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Vieweg, Marion, Die Finanzierungsproblematik von kleinbäuerlichen Kaffeegenossenschaften unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des "Fairen Handels" - Eine empirische Studie in der Region Oaxaca, Mexiko (The financing problem of small-scale coffee cooperatives with a special focus on "fair trade" - An empirical study in the Oaxaca region, Mexico), 1999 Summary as View-PDF
- Herre, Andrea, Auswirkungen einer veränderten Qualität des Bewässerungswassers auf die C-Mineralisierung und Schwermetallmobilisierung in langjährig mit ungeklärten Abwässern bewässerten Böden Mexiko"s (Effects of a changed quality of irrigation water on C-mineralization and heavy metal mobilization in soils of Mexico, irrigated for many years with untreated sewage water), 1998 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Stetter, Susanne, Nutzungspotentiale von Böden am feuchttropischen Osthang des Vulkans San Martín Tuxtla, Veracruz, Mexiko, als Grundlage für Agroforstsysteme (Potential utilization of soils on the humid tropic eastern slope of the volcano San Martín Tuxtla, Veracruz, Mexico, as the basis for agroforest systems), 1998 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Langer, Thomas, Einfluß langjähriger Abwasserbewässerung auf mikrobielle Aktivitäten und die organische Substanz von Böden in Zentralmexiko (Influence of longterm sewage irrigation on microbial activities and the organic substance of soils in central Mexico), 1996 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Hamenstädt, Dagmar, Untersuchung des Resistenzgrades von tropischem und subtropischem Mais gegenüber Schadinsekten anhand einer Labormethode (Investigation of the degree of resistance of tropical and subtropical maize against insect pests using a laboratory method), 1995 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Hoffmann, Antoinette, Analytik und Verhalten anionischer Tenside in bewässerten Böden der Region El Mezuital/Zentralmexiko (Analytics and behavior of anionic surfactants in irrigated soils of the El Mezuital region/Central Mexico ), 1990 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Rieß, Andreas, Die sozi-ökonomischen Wirkungen von Maßnahmen der integrierten ländlichen Entwicklung in Kleinbetrieben Guanajuatos, Mexiko (The socioeconomic effects of integrated rural development measures in small enterprises Guanajuatos, Mexico), 1990 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Thomè, Bernhard, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Entwicklung von Kleinbetrieben durch Milchgenossenschaften im Tal von Tulancingo, Mexiko (Possibilities and limits of the development of small businesses by milk cooperatives in the valley of Tulancingo, Mexico), 1989 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Siebe, Christina, Geo- und Anthropogene Bodenentwicklung am Beispiel des Tuffrings von Xico (Zentral-Mexiko) und ihre Bedeutung für seine Nutzung (Geo- and anthropogenic soil development using the example of the tuffrings of Xico (Central Mexico) and its importance for its use), 1988 Summary only in German as View-PDF
In Nicaragua a total of 3 theses were supported.
- Walther, Steffen, Evaluation of two GIS-based Models for Landslide Prediction, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Hering, Natascha, Flockungsaktivität von Moringa oleifera-Samen verschiedener Herkunft und die Verwertbarkeit von Nebenprodukten des Abwasserklärungsprozesses in der Tierernährung (Flocculation activity of Moringa oleifera seeds of different origins and the usability of by-products of the water purification process in animal nutrition), 1997 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Baumert, Anja, Baumwollanbau in Nicaragua unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Pflanzenschutzmaßnahmen in ihrer Wirkung auf ausgewählte Arthropoden (Cotton cultivation in Nicaragua, with particular attention to plant protection measures in their effect on selected arthropods), 1994 Summary only in German as View-PDF
In Paraguay a total of 8 theses were supported.
- Vargas-Carpintero, Ricardo, The potential of Acrocomia value webs for rural development and bioeconomy in Paraguay, 2018 Summary as View-PDF
- Dolch, Erik, Growth and Development of Acrocomia Palms in South-East Paraguay, 2014 Summary as View-PDF
- Raible, Marc, Ausweitung des Nahrungsangebotes in Paraguay durch bessere Verwertung von Acrocomia aculeata, mittels Optimierung des Trocknungsprozesses der Pulpa (Expansion of the food supply in Paraguay by better utilization of Acrocomia aculeata, by optimizing the drying process of the pulp), 2012 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Utzschneider, Rudolf, Erhaltung der Biodiversität von nativen Wildleguminosen des paraguayischen Chaco (Conservation of the biodiversity of native wild legumes of the Paraguayan Chaco), 1998 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Hohn, Harry, Untersuchungen zur Amphikarpie von Macroptilium panduratum (Mart. ex Benth.) Maréchal et Baudet, im Chaco Boreal, Paraguay (Studies on the amphicarpie of Macroptilium panduratum (Mart. Ex Benth.) Maréchal et Baudet, in the Chaco Boreal, Paraguay), 1996 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Kunert, Ralf, Direktsaat in Paraguay (Direct sowing in Paraguay), 1996 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Stosiek, Dieter, Ertrags- und Qualitätsmerkmale von tropischen Weidegräsern im Kronenschutz von Bäumen (Yield and quality features of tropical pasture grasses In the shade of trees), 1991 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Massare, Eugenio Alonso, Möglichkeiten zum Aufbau einer situationsangepaßten Selbsthilfeorganisation für Kleinbauern im Süden Paraguays (Possibilities for setting up a self-help organization for small farmers in the south of Paraguay), 1988 Summary only in German as View-PDF
In Peru a total of 17 theses were supported.
- Vargas Garro, Alexander: Measuring Economic Sustainability using a Composite Indicator in Cacao Production in Peru, 2018 Summary as View-PDF
- Terrel Gutierrez, Meylin Mirtha: Nutritional profile and yield of various amaranth accessions grown at different locations and altitudes in Peru, 2017 Summary as View-PDF
- Dapp, Michael, Evaluation of the field efficacy of biopesticides based on granulovirus (TuabGV, PhopGV) and of attract-and-kill to control Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), 2017 Summary as View-PDF
- Ünlü, Ayse Gül, Development and evaluation of attract-and-kill to control the tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), 2016 Summary as View-PDF
- Jocher, Franziska Eva, Räumliche Heterogenität der Vegetation und des Verhaltens von Milchkühen auf Weiden in den Anden Perus (Spatial heterogeneity of vegetation and behavior of dairy cows on pastures in the Andes of Peru), 2016 Summary as View- PDF
- Schmitz, Hanna, Evaluation of the biological activity of granulovirus isolates from Tuta absoluta (TuabGV) and Phthorimaea operculella (PhopGV) in its primary and secondary host Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lep., Gelechiidae), 2016 Summary as View- PDF
- Harrison, Clare, Potato Diversity Buffering Against Climate Variabiltiy & Food Insecurity: Evaluation of In-Situ Conservation of Native varieties by Farming Communities in the Peruvian Andes, 2016 Summary as View-PDF
- Thilo-Körner, Marianne, Einfluss eines landwirtschaftlichen Entwicklungsprojekts auf landwirtschaftliche Produktion und Einkommen bäuerlicher Haushalte in Cabanaconde, Peru (Influence of an agricultural development project on agricultural production and income of peasant households in Cabanaconde, Peru), 2000 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Cachay, Irina, Vermarktung der Kartoffel in den Nordanden - Departement Cajamarca, Peru (Marketing of the potato in the north Andes - Department Cajamarca, Peru), 1998 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Schöffend, Gertrud, Situationsanalyse in den Handlungsbereichen Pflanzenschutz und Bodenkonservierung. Eine Untersuchung in den kleinbäuerlichen Anbausystemen in den nördlichen Anden Perus (Situation analysis in the fields of plant protection and soil preservation. An investigation in small-scale farming systems in the northern Andes of Peru), 1989 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Ostarhild, Ulrich , Situationsanalyse in den Handlungsbereichen Pflanzenschutz und Bodenkonservierung. Eine Untersuchung in den kleinbäuerlichen Anbausystemen in den nördlichen Anden Perus (Situation analysis in the fields of plant protection and soil preservation. An investigation in small-scale farming systems in the northern Andes of Peru), 1989 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Currle, Jochen, Wahrnehmung und Einschätzung von Bodenerosion und Konservierungsmaßnahmen durch Kleinbauern im Hochland Perus (Perception and assessment of soil erosion and conservation measures by small-scale farmers in the highlands of Peru), 1988 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Weik, Michael, Untersuchungen zu Art und Bedeutung der Segetalflora von Knollenfrüchten und Mais im andinen Kleinbauernsystem der Provinz Cajamarca, Peru (Studies on the nature and importance of the weed flora of tubers and maize in the small farming system of the province of Cajamarca, Peru), 1988 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Gottschalk, Elke, Wirkungen von Nahrungsmittelhilfe auf Bauern und Förderinstitutionen in Cajamarca, Peru - Eine intersystematische Betrachtung - (Effects of food aid on farmers and subsidy institutions in Cajamarca, Peru - An intersystematic access approach -), 1987 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Häbig, Manfred, Wirkungen von Nahrungsmittelhilfe auf Bauern und Förderinstitutionen in Cajamarca, Peru - Eine intersystematische Betrachtung - (Effects of food aid on farmers and subsidy institutions in Cajamarca, Peru - An intersystematic access approach -), 1987 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Hördt-Küttner, Roland, Kaninchen- und Meerschweinchenproduktion in Peru (Rabbit and guinea pig production in Peru), 1985 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Küttner, Angela, Entwicklungsanalyse des Distriktes Santa Domingo de Morropón (Peru) und Förderungsansätze für die Tierproduktion (Developmental analysis of the district of Santa Domingo de Morropón (Peru) and promotion approaches for animal production), 1985 Summary only in German as View-PDF
In Uruguay one thesis was supported.
- Arias-Comelli, Juan-Ignacio, Auswirkungen des MER.CO.SUR auf die Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten kleinbäuerlicher Betriebe - Dargestellt am Beispiel der Region Nordosten-Canelones (Uruguay) (Impacts of the MER.CO.SUR on the development possibilities of small farms - illustrated by the example of the region of North-East Canelones (Uruguay)), 1994 Summary only in German as View-PDF
In Venezuela a total of 10 theses were supported..
- Maisenbacher, Ingrid, Sekundärwald-Entwicklung einer degradierten Feuchtsavanne nach Pflanzung von ERYTHRINA FUSCA im Bundesstaat Sucre, Venezuela (Secondary forest development of a degraded savannah after planting of ERYTHRINA FUSCA in the state of Sucre, Venezuela), 2006 Summary as View-PDF
- Jaffé, Mercedes I. Lopez, Impact of cooperative membership on family income of smallholders - The case of coffee farmers in Venezuela, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
- Calles, Teodardo, Biogeography of the tropical legume genus Stylosanthes in Venezuela, 2004 Summary as View-PDF
- Brandt, Regine, Potential of Vetiver (Vetiveria Zizanioides (L.) Nash) for the Use in Phytoremdiation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils in Venezuela, 2003 Summary as View-PDF
- Heidtmann, Mariam, The Potential of Phytoremediation in Venezuels Soils contaminated by the Petroleum Industry, 2001 Summary as View-PDF
- Grundmann, Philipp, Wirkungen von Wanderungsbewegungen im ländlichen Raum auf die Degradierung der tropischen Wälder, dargestellt am Beispiel des Estado Sucre in Venezuela (Effects of migratory movements in rural areas on the degradation of tropical forests, illustrated by the example of the Estado Sucre in Venezuela), 1997 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Mitschker-Heinkel, Barbara, Trächtigkeitsfrühdiagnose an Ziegen in Venezuela (Pregnancy early diagnosis of goats in Venezuela), 1988 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Brosi, Hildegard, Milch- und Fleischproduktion im Valle de Aroa, Venezuela (Milk and meat production in Valle de Aroa, Venezuela), 1987 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Heinkel, Jörg, Untersuchungen über Milchleistung und Körpergewicht an Kreuzungen aus Milchrassen und Criollo Ziegen in Venezuela (Studies on milk performance and body weight of crossbreeds from dairy cattle and Criollo goats in Venezuela), 1986 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Janisch-Gerstner, Andrea, Sozialer Wandel, dargestellt am Beispiel der Waraoindianer des Orinokodeltas, Venezuela (Social change, illustrated by the example of the Warao Indians of the Orinoco Delta, Venezuela), 1985 Summary only in German as View- PDF
Information material and requirements for funding can be found under the following link:
► Application forms 2017
► Contact Dr. Marcus Giese, Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute, Uni. Hohenheim
Supported diploma and master thesis
- ► Supported theses 2015 – 2023
- ► Supported theses 2010 – 2014
- ► Supported theses 2005 – 2009
- ► Supported theses 2000 – 2004
- ► Supported theses 1993 – 1999
- ► Supported theses 1983 – 1992
- ► Africa
- ► Asia
- ► Latin America
- ► Australia/Oceania
- ► Europe/USA
- ► Soil Science
- ► Plant production and nutrition
- ► Plant breeding
- ► Agricultural ecology and plant protection
- ► Animal Husbandry
- ► Grassland
- ► Agricultural engineering
- ► Agricultural economics
- ► Rural sociology and extension
- ► Nutritional sciences
- ► Food technology
- ► Supported theses 2015 – 2023
- ► Supported theses 2010 – 2014
- ► Supported theses 2005 – 2009
- ► Supported theses 2000 – 2004
- ► Supported theses 1993 – 1999
- ► Supported theses 1983 – 1992
- ► Africa
- ► Asia
- ► Latin America
- ► Australia/Oceania
- ► Europe/USA
- ► Soil Science
- ► Plant production and nutrition
- ► Plant breeding
- ► Agricultural ecology and plant protection
- ► Animal Husbandry
- ► Grassland
- ► Agricultural engineering
- ► Agricultural economics
- ► Rural sociology and extension
- ► Nutritional sciences
- ► Food technology