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Supported thesis 2005 – 2009
Hermann Eiselen Scholarship Program

In the sponsorship year 2009 the following 19 supported theses were completed:

  • Bukari, Moro, History, present state of the art and adoption of aquaculture technology in the eastern region of Ghana, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Burkard, Florian, Variation of fertility among haploids of (sub)tropical maize (Zea mays L.), 2010 Summary as View-PDF
  • Chotruangprasert, Kobrat, Do Coffee Farmers in Northern Thailand benefit form Fairtrade?, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Haffke, Stefan, Assessment of different methods of farmer-participatory selection in diversified pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] populations at three pilot sites in Niger, 2010 Summary as View-PDF
  • Heeb, Alexander, Participatory risk assessment on game products marketed through formal and informal chains: Hazard identification and risk assessment, 2009 Summary as View- PDF
  • Huber, Yvonne, Evaluierung der flüchtigen Komponenten und der sensorischen Eigenschaften von verschiedenen Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Genotypen aus Costa Rica (Evaluation of volatile components and sensory properties of different papaya (Carica papaya L.) genotypes from Costa Rica), 2010 Summary as View-PDF
  • Ikenoue, Simon, Effect of the land reform on land use pattern change in Limpopo Province, South Africa, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Luckmann, Jonas, Price transmission and market integration of selected maize and rice markets in Vietnam, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Murendo, Conrad, Rainfall variability, food security, climate coping and adaptation strategies of rural communities in Awash River Basin, Ethiopia, 2009 Summary as View- PDF
  • Ndongo, Flavien Kassé, Choice of breeds and husbandry practices influencing the safety of milk and milk products from smallholder dairy cattle farms around Nairobi, focussing on Brucellosis, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Nguyen, Thi Thanh, Assessment of land cover change in Chieng Khoi Commune, Northern Vietnam, by combining remote sensing tools and historical local knowledge, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Orford, Rohan, A Growth Experiment Evaluating Moringa stenopetala Leaves as an Alternative Protein Source for Farm Based Aqua-Feed in a Rural Semi- Intensive Culture System for Oreochromis niloticus baringoensis L. in the Rift Valley, Kenya, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Reinhardt, Nadja, Evaluation of a Study Site for sustainable Yield Increase in Northern Vietnam, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Schneider, Antonia, Participatory supply chain analysis of high value spices in Northern Lao PDR, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Schüttel, Carsten, The impacts of globally fluctuating food prices on the Bolivian price level: Market Integration Analysis and Policy Evaluation against the Background of globally soaring Food Prices in 2007/08, 2010 Summary as View-PDF
  • Schulze, Katrin, Agronomic and Economic Aspects of Water Saving Irrigation Methods in Mango Production in Northern Thailand, 2010 Summary as View-PDF
  • Steingaß, Christof, Chemische und morphologische Charakterisierung costaricanischer Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Genotypen siwie Untersuchungen zur Chromoplastenentwicklung und Carotinoidakkumulation während der Reifung (Chemical and morphological characterization of costa-rican papaya (Carica papaya L.) genotypes as well as studies on the development of chromoplast and carotinoid accumulation during ripening), 2010 Summary as View-PDF
  • Thürbeck, Nadja, An Assessment of Vulnerability of rural households in Mexico, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Traoré, Sékou Amadou, Contribution of endemic ruminants to the livelihoods of small farmers in The Gambia, 2009 Summary as View-PDF

In the sponsorship year 2008 the following 23 supported theses were completed:

  • Albrecht, Theresa, Phenotypic Evaluation of a Finger Millet [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.] Core Collection under different Field Conditions in India, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Baah, Richard Opoku, Environmental and Socioeconomic Impact Assessment of Peri-urban Land Degradation: A Case Study on the Effects of Sand Winning on Farmlands in the Ga Municipals (Ga West, Ga East, Ga South) of the Geater Accra Region (Ghana) , 2010 Summary as View-PDF
  • Boll, Lars, Spatial Variability in Maize and Cassava Productivity in the Chieng Khoi Watershed, Northwest Vietnam, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
  • Claß-Mahler, Ingrid, Bewertung der Bodeneigenschaften unter Einfluß der Landnutzung des Auftretens von Hangrutschungen in Muong Lum, Provinz Son La, Nordvietnam (Evaluation of soil characteristic changes and their tendency to landslides due to deforestation and agricultural use in the mountainous region of Northern Vietnam) , 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Falkenhagen, Fabian, Costs of Organic and Fair Trade Group Certification. A gross margin analysis in a cashew nut smallholder association in Brazil, 2008 Summary as View- PDF
  • Gao, Haoyue, Assessment of Infant Feeding Policies and Practice in Deyang City (Sichuan province) of China, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Han, Lin, The potential of oil bearing crops to improve the well-being and food security of farm households: a case study in Panzhihua, Southwest China, 2009 Summary as View- PDF
  • Hüller, Torsten, Improvement of the Cropping System in the Limestone Area Bor Krai, Northern Thailand, under consideration of the soil water household and plant nutrition, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Jeremias, Theresa, Major risk factors of overweight/obesity of Samoan schoolchildren: anthropometric and dietary assessment including women’s appraisal, 2010 Summary as View-PDF
  • Latynskiy, Evgeny, Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture and Poverty in Linares Province of Chile, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Lauvai, Judith, Dietary pattern of pregnant and breastfeeding women in Samoa: urban and rural comparison, 2010 Summary as View-PDF
  • Melkonyan, Christ, Development Constraints of Armenian Dairy Cooperatives, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
  • Narjes, Manuel Ernesto, Is Beekeeping a viable additional income for the rural poor? An economic analysis of beekeeping and honey hunting as additional income alternatives for the rural poor in the Philippine Cordillera, Luzon, the Philippines, 2009 Summary as View- PDF
  • Owusu-Kyem, Akwasi, Assessing the Actual and Potential Impact of the Ghana School Feeding Programme (GSFP): A Case Study of the Offinso Municipal of the Ashanti Region, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Quynh, Vu Duong, The impact of conventional, integrated and organic vegetable production on soil fertility and vegetable quality in Vietnam - A comparative invetigation, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
  • Schneider, Sarah, Geographical certification as production and commercialisation strategy for smallholder sheep farming in Ceará, Brazil, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
  • Schweiggert, Ralf Martin, Untersuchungen zur Herstellung von Fruchtsaftkonzentraten aus Hylocereus sp. (Studies on the production of fruit juice concentrates from Hylocereus sp.), 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Takyi, Augustine Kodom, Perceived versus realised benefits of crossbred goats in the Kedida Gamela district of southern Ethiopia, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
  • Triani, Rini, Influence of selected pre- and postharvest factors on the quality and peel properties of fresh litchi fruits (Litchi chinensis Sonn.), 2008 Summary as View- PDF
  • Tschanadi, Aylin, Utilization of by-catch and processing wastes from marine fishery in feeds for the organic aquaculture of marine shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei in Costa Rica, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Wider, Maria, Indigenous soil mapping at a site vulnerable to climate change, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Wurst, Selma, Evaluation of protein-rich feed ingredients for the organic production of freshwater prawns Macrobrachium rosenbergii by smallholders in the inlands of Costa Rica, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Xu, Lin, Struktur und Wirtschaftlichkeit der Milchproduktion und -verarbeitung in urbanen Gebieten in China (Fallbeispiel: Großraum Peking) (Structure and profitability of dairy production and processing in urban areas in China (case study: Greater Beijing)) , 2009 Summary as View-PDF

In the sponsorship year 2007 the following 25 supported theses were completed:

  • Bayde, Belay Bekele, Assessment of Crop Growth and Artemisia Content of the Medicinal Plant Artemisia annua Anamed in the Gamo Highlands of SW Ethiopia, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Boh, Michael Yongha, Optimising faecal sludge co-composting in the semiarid Tropics, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Dannenmann, Barbara Maria Elisabetha, The Potential of Bamboo as a Source of Renewable Energy in Northern Laos, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • De Mello Precoppe, Marcelo Figueira, Performance Analysis of a Litchi Drying System in the Upland Region of Northern Thailand, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
  • Delgadillo, Coral Aydeé Monje, Biophysical factors affecting maize productivity of small-scale farming system under three settlement schemes in North-East Zimbabwe, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Georgiadis, Pavlos, Local Plant Knowledge for Livelihoods. An Ethnobotanical Survey in the Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
  • Häring, Volker, Nachhaltigkeit der Landnutzung in einem tropischen Berglandgebiet in der Son La Provinz, Vietnam (Sustainability of land use in a tropical mountainous area in Son La Province, Vietnam), 2008 Summary as View-PDF
  • Hertel, Maja, Assessment of spatial variability in yield and growth performance along rice paddies in the mountainous regions of North-West Vietnam, 2007 Summary as View- PDF
  • Huong, Pham Thi Mai, Production and Marketing of Indigenous Pig Breeds in the Uplands of Vietnam - An Economic Analysis in Son La Province, 2007 Summary as View- PDF
  • Jäger, Judith, A systematic approach to analyze the eco-geographical origin of germplasm exemplified for pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] in the genebank of ICRISAT-Niger, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
  • Kingsley, Ndulue Echezona, Urban Food Security - a Case Study of Jos Metropolis, Plateau State, North Central Nigeria, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Mbatifuh, Judith M’sefola, Learning for Food and Nutrition Security. School Gardens in Primary and Secondary Schools in the North West Province of Cameroon, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
  • Mbuduka, Faraja Anjolye, The Agricultural knowledge and Information System in Karagwe District - Tanzania, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Metzler, Judith, Explorative Economic Analysis of Jatropha curcas. Case study at the Visayas State university, Philippines, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Muth, Peter, Characterization of pathogenic variation in Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, the causal organism of anthracnose of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in South Africa, resistance screening of local germplasm, and evaluation of existing molecular markers, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
  • Ngedi, Michael Timbo, Environmental, Health and Other Issues Associated with the Acquisition and Application of Pesticides in Cameroon: The Case of Cocoa Production in Bafia and Owe Villages in the South West Province, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Okere, Isaiah Annayochukwu, Meat yield and quality of broiler genotypes with and without feathers, under hot conditions, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Opuni, Stephen Caleb, Stakeholders’ Perceptions and Commitment to Forest Certification: The Case of Western Ghana, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Pankomera, Pilirani, Household Food Security in Malawi: Measurements, Determinants and Policy Review, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Pasam, Raj Kishore, Evaluation of Photoperiodic Response and Characterization of Population Structure of Perl Millet Germplasm from West and Central Africa , 2008 Summary as View- PDF
  • Prechsl, Ulrich E., Agrestal flora associated with paddy rice in Nabane Nature Reserve (Yunnan, PR China), as affected by altitude and management, 2008 Summary as View- PDF
  • Rodríguez López, Nuria, Distribution, utilisation and valuation of local Artocarpus spp. on Leyte, Philippines, with special reference to breadfruit (A. altilis), 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Sänger, Christoph, Economics of Tree Crop Production and Marketing in Post- Tsunami Aceh, Indonesia, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
  • Steinhoff, Jana, Phenotyping methods to assess grain yield of maize inbred lines and hybrids under different water regimes, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
  • Weiß, Anne Margarethe, Charcoal in sediment layers: A way to estimate land use intensification on reservoir siltation?, 2008 Summary as View-PDF

In the sponsorship year 2006 the following 22 supported theses were completed:

  • Alqaisi, Othman, Reproductive performance and lactation yield of local Awassi, Improved Awassi and Afec-Awassi ewes under contemprary comparison on Al-Khanasry station in Jordan, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Betz, Doris, Performance of Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on the prey Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard (Acari: Tetranychidae): effects of rearing history and host plant, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Coral Padilla, Jenny, Phenotypic characterization of a pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] core collection under field conditions in Niger, 2007 Summary as View- PDF
  • Distel, Andreas, Assessing temporal dynamics of groundwater and soil salinity and impact on the green infrastructure after the Tsunami event of Dec 26th, 2004, West Aceh- Indonesia, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
  • González Azcarraga, Juan Carlos, Performance investigation of a Taiwan type flat bed dryer currently used for longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) in Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Gorim, Linda Yuya, Preliminary evaluation of legumes for their potential to suppress Imperata cylindrica, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Habasimbi, Kennedy Mpaliwa, Assessment of the Potential of Residues from Fruit Production as Suitable Renewable Energy for Drying Systems in Northern Thailand, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Kindermann, Claudia, Characterization of undergrowth vegetation in Rainforestation Farming sites on Leyte, Philippines, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Klemann, Dorothée, Analyse der Unterwuchsvegetation verschiedener Landnutzungssysteme auf Leyte, Philippinen (Analysis of the undergrowth vegetation of different land-use systems on Leyte, Philippines), 2006 Summary only in German as View- PDF
  • Kneer, Oliver, Concepts and actors in organic livestock husbandry in Bolivia, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Kpormegbe, Michael, Acceptability of urine-based fertilizer for crop production, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Laso Bayas, Juan Carlos, Assessment of physical mitigation provided by tree crops in the 2004 Tsunami event in West Aceh-Indonesia, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Milan, Florence Marie P., The Politics, Landowners’ Resistance and Peasants’ Struggle for Genuine Land Reform in the Philippines, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Nguyen, Tuan Minh, Assessing the economic efficiency of post-harvest activities in fresh vegetable supply chains in Vietnam, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Nuss, Philipp, Investigation of biotechnical conditions of Jatropha curcas L. toward gradual harvest mechanisation, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Oburu, Rao Elizaphan, Consumer acceptance of orange fleshed sweet potato: Determinants and implications, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Oehme, Maike, Nitrogen budget under different nitrogen inputs in integrated ricefish culture in Bangladesh, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Pinos Barreto, Susy Alejandra, Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plant Species used by traditional midwives in Cotacachi, Imbabura Province, Ecuador, 2006 Summary as View- PDF
  • Samaniego Eguiguren, Jorge Arturo, Modelling the effect of soil conservation measures on yield, runoff and soil loss in northest Thailand by using WaNulCAS, 2006 Summary as View- PDF
  • Sutterer, Nele, Messung der C-Vorräte in Böden von Jatropha-Plantagen im Hochland Madagaskars (Measurement of C stocks in soils of jatropha plantations in Madagascar highlands), 2006 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Tebusabwa, Milly-Kevin, An assessment of microfinance outreach in rural Uganda - a case study of Mikono District, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Trangkathumkul, Arveephan, Methods for identifying farm households’ objectives in land-use decision-making: An empirical application in Northern Thailand, 2007 Summary as View- PDF

In the sponsorship year 2005 the following 18 supported theses were completed:

  • Adeel, Adnan, Rural Poverty Analysis in the Punjab Province, Pakistan: A Household Survey, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
  • Anodam, John Kobina, Community-based participatory micro credit delivery: impacts and lessons from Lacosresp, Northern Ghana, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
  • Cotter, Marc, Comparison of Abaca (Musa textilis) growth performance in two multi-strata trials with special reference to fiber yield and surrounding vegetation, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Dinh, Hoang Quoc, The Damage of Avian Influenza on Farm Household Economics in Northern Vietnam, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
  • Fanta, Silke, Abundanzdynamik ausgewählter Arthropoden in Nassreisfeldern auf Leyte, Philippinen (Abundanzdynamik ausgewählter Arthropoden in Nassreisfeldern auf Leyte, Philippinen), 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Frank, Martha Laura, Environmental Impact of Conventional and Organic Shrimp Pond Effluents on the Guaraíras Lagoon: A Case Study at Tibau do Sul, Brazil, 2005 Summary as View- PDF
  • Herrmann, John, Studies of Ecology, Biology and Relevance of Leea guineensis G. Don. (Leeaceae) in Landuse Systems on Leyte, Philippines, 2006 Summary as View- PDF
  • Hönicke, Mireille, The Role of indigenous Vegetables for micronutrient Consumption in Southeast Asia: A cross section Analysis of indigenous Vegetable Consumption in the Philippines, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
  • Hüttner, Marion, Genetische Untersuchungen an Echinococcus granulosus - Isolaten aus Wildtieren, mit Schwerpunkt Löwen (Panthera leo), des Queen Elizabeth National Park (Genetic analysis of Echinococcus granulosus isolates from wild animals, with a focus on lions (Panthera leo), the Queen Elizabeth National Park) , 2006 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Kassahun, Semachew, The Impact of Market Access on Agricultural Productivity and Farm Income in Western Amhara Region, Ethiopia, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
  • Krumbein, Kristina, Improving the management of malnourished children during the rehabilitation phase - admitted in the Nutrition Unit of Kumi Hospital: Introduction of a Read-To-Use-Therapeutic Food (RUTF), 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Lamparter, Hagen, Zur Wirksamkeit verschiedener Fungizide gegenüber Fusarium solani in vitro und zur Bekämpfung von Fusarium solani im Tomatenanbaugebiet des Zwaysees in Äthiopien (On the effectiveness of different fungicides against Fusarium solani in vitro and the control of Fusarium solani in the tomato cultivation area of Zway Lake in Ethiopia), 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Maisenbacher, Ingrid, Sekundärwald-Entwicklung einer degradierten Feuchtsavanne nach Pflanzung von ERYTHRINA FUSCA im Bundesstaat Sucre, Venezuela (Secondary forest development of a degraded savannah after planting of ERYTHRINA FUSCA in the state of Sucre, Venezuela), 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Nagle, Marcus Constant, Comparison of Partial Rootzone Drying with other Irrigation Regimes on Yield and Quality of Mango, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
  • Ngosong, Christopher, Petroleum Refineries and Heavy Metal Pollution in the Coastal Areas of Cameroon: A Case Study of SONARA and the Limbe Atlantic Coast, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
  • Owotoki, Gbenga Mathew, Gender Differences in Household Resource Allocation and its Impact on Food Security: A Case Study of Kwara State, Nigeria, 2005 Summary as View- PDF
  • Reinert, Armin, Ökophysiologische Untersuchungen an Commersonia bartramia im Hinblick auf ihre Bedeutung für Maßnahmen der Landrehabilitierung auf Leyte, Philippinen (Ecophysiological analysis of Commersonia bartramia with regard to their importance for measures of land rehabilitation on Leyte, Philippines), 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Yonushonis, Christine, Control of Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley in the Lychee Orchards of Northern Thailand, 2005 Summary as View-PDF


Information material and requirements for funding can be found under the following link:

► Application forms 2017
► Contact Dr. Marcus Giese, Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute, Uni. Hohenheim
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