Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2011: from the left Dr. A. Fadani, Dr. Ludger Herrmann (Representing award winner Willmar Leiser), Dr. Insa Theesfeld (Representing award winner Andrea Bues), Prof. Dr. J. Sauerborn, Prof. Dr. U. Grote
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2011: Award ceremony in Bonn
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2011: Dr. Insa Theesfeld (Representing award winner Andrea Bues)
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2011: Dr. Ludger Herrmann (Representing award winner Willmar Leiser)
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2011: Laudator Prof. Dr. J. Sauerborn
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2011: Handover of the certificate by Dr. A. Fadani to Dr. Insa Theesfeld (Representing award winner Andrea Bues)
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2011: Handover of the certificate by Dr. A. Fadani to Dr. Ludger Herrmann (Representing award winner Willmar Leiser)
Award winners 2011
Andrea Bues
Humboldt-University of Berlin, 2010
“Agricultural Foreign Direct Investment, Water Rights and Conflict – an Institutional Analysis from Ethiopia”
► Summary as View-PDF
Willmar Leiser
University of Hohenheim, 2010
“Variation for Adaptation of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) to Low Phosphorous Soils in Mali (West Africa)”
► Summary as View-PDF
The prize was presented on October 5, 2011 the Tropentag at the University of Bonn. The award winners received Euro 2,500 each for their master thesis, which is a recognizable contribution to the improvement of the nutritional situation in developing countries.
The announcement of the terms of application for 2024 will be published in October 2023.
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