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Supported Thesis Soil Science
Hermann Eiselen Scholarship Program

A total of 48 theses in the subject area of soil sciences were supported.

  • Schlichenmaier, Samuel, Soil aggregate formation following plant residue addition of different qualities to low fertility sandy soils in north eastern Thailand, 2020 Summary as View-PDF
  • Gebhardt, Otilie, Participative terrain mapping as basis for scientific field trials relating to food security in Ilolo, Tanzania, 2014 Summary as View-PDF
  • Biegert, Konni, Saatgut mit Starthilfe: Eine explorative Untersuchung zu Anwendung von „Seed Balls“ im Senegal (Seeds with start-up aid: An explorative study on the application of "Seed Balls" in Senegal), 2013 Summary as View-PDF
  • Auber, Julia, Influence of Mango Trees on Soil Fertility in Intercropping Systems in North- West Vietnam, 2012 Summary as View-PDF
  • Reinhardt, Nadja, Water regime in paddy rice systems in Northern Vietnam, 2012 Summary as View-PDF
  • Blank, Daniel, Evaluation of Soil Fertiliiy in a minimum-till Maize Farming System using Permanent Planting Stations Practiced by Smallholders in Western Central Zimbabwe, 2012 Summary as View-PDF
  • Eisele, Julia, Das Potential radiometrischer Daten zur Bestimmung der verfügbaren Kaliumvorräte in Böden Nordthailands (The potential of radiometric data for the determination of the available potassium reserves in soils of northern Thailand), 2012 Summary as View-PDF
  • Schehle, Christian, Soil erosion, runoff and loss of soil organic matter under maize cultivation in a mountainous region in Northwest Vietnam, 2011 Summary as View-PDF
  • Hüller, Torsten, Improvement of the Cropping System in the Limestone Area Bor Krai, Northern Thailand, under consideration of the soil water household and plant nutrition, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Claß-Mahler, Ingrid, Bewertung der Bodeneigenschaften unter Einfluß der Landnutzung des Auftretens von Hangrutschungen in Muong Lum, Provinz Son La, Nordvietnam (Evaluation of soil characteristic changes and their tendency to landslides due to deforestation and agricultural use in the mountainous region of Northern Vietnam), 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Wider, Maria, Indigenous soil mapping at a site vulnerable to climate change, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Reinhardt, Nadja, Evaluation of a Study Site for sustainable Yield Increase in Northern Vietnam, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Häring, Volker, Nachhaltigkeit der Landnutzung in einem tropischen Berglandgebiet in der Son La Provinz, Vietnam (Sustainability of land use in a tropical mountainous area in Son La Province, Vietnam), 2008 Summary as View-PDF
  • Leistner, Josua, Optimization of Farming Systems in the Fakara (Sahel) with Regard to Soil Fertility Using a Dynamic Modelling Approach, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Sutterer, Nele, Messung der C-Vorräte in Böden von Jatropha-Plantagen im Hochland Madagaskars (Measurement of C stocks in soils of jatropha plantations in Madagascar highlands) , 2006 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Hüller, Torsten, Crop Evaluation for an Improved Cropping System in the Limestone Area Bor Krai, Northern Thailand, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Badorreck, Annika, Charakterisierung von bodenchemischen und -physikalischen Eigenschaften als Basis für eine nachhaltige Landnutzung in Zimbabwe (Characterization of soil chemical and physical properties as a basis for sustainable land use in Zimbabwe), 2005 Summary as View-PDF
  • Kamal, Pathak, Investigation and Simulation of the Effective Anisotropy in Hillslope Soils of Northern Thailand, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
  • Zöfel, Katrin, Regeneration of Soil Fertility through Reforestation? Studies on P-availability on deforested and forested sites on Leyte, Philippines, 2004 Summary as View-PDF
  • Kohls, Susanne, Crop evaluation for water harvesting systems in the mountainous region of Northwest Thailand, 2004 Summary as View-PDF
  • Kahl, Gunnar, Untersuchung zum lateralen Stofftransport im Boden an einem Hangstandort in einer Bergregion Nordthailands (Investigation of the lateral transport of substances in soil on a hillside location in a mountainous region of northern Thailand), 2003 Summary as View-PDF
  • Tinoco-Ordónez, Roberto, Steps towards Sustainable Agriculture - An Ethnopedological Soil Survey in a Limestone Area of Northern Thailand, 2003 Summary as View-PDF
  • Sereke, Firesenai, Land evaluation for sustainable highland agriculture in NW-Thailand (Phang Ma Pha) - with special respect to soil and water resources, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
  • Haag, Rita, Der Humusvorrat als Basisindikator für den Grad der Bodendegradation in anthropogen veränderten Araukarienwäldern auf der Hochebene Rio Grande do Sul (Südbrasilien) (The humus stock as a basic indicator for the degree of soil degradation in anthropogenically modified araucaria forests on the high level Rio Grande do Sul (South Brazil)), 2002 Summary only in German as View- PDF
  • Hintemann, Therese, Bodenmikrobiologische und ökotoxikologische Bewertung der Schadstoffbelastung von Böden- und Mangobäumen in dem Industriegebiet Pólo Petroquímico de Camaçari im Nordosten Brasiliens (Soil microbiological and ecotoxicological assessment of the pollution of soils and mango trees in the industrial area Pólo Petroquímico de Camaçari in the northeast of Brazil), 2001 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Wahr, Jens, Luftbildgestütze Erfassung aktueller und historischer Desertifikationsprozesse bei Chikal im Sahel Nigers/Westafrika (Aerial image analysis of current and historical desertification processes at Chikal in the Sahel Niger / West Africa), 2000 Summary as View-PDF
  • Roth, Brigitte, Die Verteilung von Schwermetallen in Sedimenten und redoximorphen Böden in der durch Erdölförderung geprägten Region Tabasco, Mexiko (The distribution of heavy metals in sediments and redoximorphic soils in the region of Tabasco, Mexico characterized by petrol production), 2000 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Köhler, Stefan, Vergleich verschiedener Meßsysteme zur Erfassung von Nährstoffverlusten in Böden Vietnams (Comparison of different measuring systems for the detection of nutrient losses in soils of Vietnam), 1999 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Löwer, Bettina, Der Einfluß von Staubdeposition auf die Bodenfruchtbarkeit der semiariden Pampa Argentiniens (The influence of dust deposition on the soil fertility of Argentine semi-arid pampas), 1999 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Würth, Anke, Ertragslimitierung durch K und P bei Mais unter On-Farm-Bedingungen auf Acrisolen in Süd-Benin (Yield limitation by K and P for maize under on-farm conditions on acrisols in southern Benin), 1999 Summary as View-PDF
  • Herre, Andrea, Auswirkungen einer veränderten Qualität des Bewässerungswassers auf die C-Mineralisierung und Schwermetallmobilisierung in langjährig mit ungeklärten Abwässern bewässerten Böden Mexiko"s (Effects of a changed quality of irrigation water on C-mineralization and heavy metal mobilization in soils of Mexico, irrigated for many years with untreated sewage water), 1998 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Marohn, Carsten, Standortskundliche Charakterisierung unterschiedlicher landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe im semiariden Nordosten Brasiliens zur Ermittlung angepaßter Landnutzungsformen (Local characterization of different farms in the semi-arid north-east of Brazil to determine adapted land-use patterns), 1998 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Stetter, Susanne, Nutzungspotentiale von Böden am feuchttropischen Osthang des Vulkans San Martín Tuxtla, Veracruz, Mexiko, als Grundlage für Agroforstsysteme (Potential utilization of soils on the humid tropic eastern slope of the volcano San Martín Tuxtla, Veracruz, Mexico, as the basis for agroforest systems), 1998 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Koch, Inge, Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung der P-Versorgung bei Mais auf Acrisolen in Süd-Benin (Possibilities for Improving P Supply to Maize on Acrisols in South Benin), 1997 Summary as View-PDF
  • Langer, Thomas, Einfluß langjähriger Abwasserbewässerung auf mikrobielle Aktivitäten und die organische Substanz von Böden in Zentralmexiko (Influence of long-term sewage irrigation on microbial activities and the organic substance of soils in central Mexico), 1996 Summary only in German as View- PDF
  • Oehl, Fritz, Die Bestimmung der Zersetzbarkeit verschiedener Streupflanzen und ihr Einfluß auf die Mobilisierung von N, P, K, Mg und Ca in einem Ferrali-Haplic-Acrisol in Süd-Benin (Determination of the decomposition of different mulch species and its influence on the mobilization of the nutrients N, P, K, Mg and Ca on a Ferrali-Haplic Acrisol in Southern Benin ), 1996 Summary as View-PDF
  • Weiss, Gerd Ulrich, Verbreitung und ausgewählte Standortseigenschaften von Böden zweier Kleinlandschaften im semiariden Nordosten Brasiliens (Distribution and selected location characteristics of soils of two small landscapes in the semi-arid North-East of Brazil), 1995 Summary as View-PDF
  • Gabel, Doris, Einfluß vulkanischer Asche und Nutzung auf die Böden der semiariden Pampa Argentiniens (Influence of volcanic ash and use on the soils of the semiarid Pampas of Argentina) , 1993 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Madsen, Helle, Auswirkung von Holzasche und Sägemehl auf die Fruchtbarkeit von Böden pyroklastischen Ursprungs in Südchile (Effect of wood ash and sawdust on the fertility of soils of pyroclastic origin in southern Chile), 1992 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Ramsperger, Barbara, Veränderung des Bodenzustandes durch Nutzungswechsel am Beispiel von Regosols aus Löß im "Chaco Seco", Argentinien (Change of soil condition by different use. The example of Regosols from loess in "Chaco Seco", Argentina), 1992 Summary as View-PDF
  • Riedel, Angela, Einflußfaktoren und Effekte von Winderosion und Bodendegradierung in der semiariden Pampa Argentiniens- Ein Vergleich von Acker- mit Waldböden entlang einer Litho- und Klimasequenz - (Influence Factors and Effects of Winderosion and Soil Degradation in the Semi- Pampas of Argentina - A comparison of arable and forest soils along a litho- and climatic sequence -), 1992 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Völkle, Beate, Cadmium- und Bleigehalte in Böden und Pflanzen indonesischer Kakaoplantagen (Cadmium and lead content in soils and plants of Indonesian cocoa plants), 1992 Summary as View- PDF
  • Herrmann, Ludger, Mikrovariabilität von Hirseerträgen und ihr Zusammenhang zum Humusgehalt von Arenosolen (MIcrovarIabItty of PearI MIlet. YIeIds and the Connection to the Organlc Matter CycIe of AranosoIs ), 1991 Summary as View-PDF
  • Hoffmann, Antoinette, Analytik und Verhalten anionischer Tenside in bewässerten Böden der Region El Mezuital/Zentralmexiko (Analytics and behavior of anionic surfactants in irrigated soils of the El Mezuital region/Central Mexico ), 1990 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Prüeß, Andreas, Verfügbares Phosphat in Böden aus Löß-Vulkanasche Gemischen der argentinischen Pampa-Semiarida (Available phosphate in soils from loess volcanic ash mixtures of Argentine Pampas-Semiarida), 1989 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Siebe, Christina, Geo- und Anthropogene Bodenentwicklung am Beispiel des Tuffrings von Xico (Zentral-Mexiko) und ihre Bedeutung für seine Nutzung (Geo- and anthropogenic soil development using the example of the tuffrings of Xico (Central Mexico) and its importance for its use), 1988 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Lausch, Roland, Ursachen mangelnder Trittfestigkeit von Weiden auf Andosolen (Causes of inadequate impact resistance of pastures on andosols), 1984 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Sommer, Michael, Ermittlung der Beziehung zwischen Profilaufbau und Wasser- /Lufthaushalt tropischer Böden zwecks verbesserter Standortsbeurteilung (Determination of the relationship between the profile structure and the water- / air-content of tropical soils for an improved site assessment), 1984 Summary only in German as View-PDF


Information material and requirements for funding can be found under the following link:

► Application forms 2017
► Contact Dr. Marcus Giese, Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute, Uni. Hohenheim
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