Supported Thesis in Asia
Hermann Eiselen Scholarship Program
A total of 244 theses were supported in Asia.
In Armenia one thesis was supported.
- Melkonyan, Christ, Development Constraints of Armenian Dairy Cooperatives, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
In Bangladesh a total of 6 theses were supported.
- Mohammad Anisuzzaman , Understanding arsenic risks of groundwater irrigation in the rice value chain in Bangladesh, 2019 Summary as View-PDF
- Oehme, Maike, Nitrogen budget under different nitrogen inputs in integrated ricefish culture in Bangladesh, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
- Rahman, Mohammad Ataur, Socio-ecomonic impacts of rice-cum-fish culture in Bangladesh, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Steinbronn, Silke, Impact of dietary Quillaja saponins on growth, sex ratio and reproduction of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) under field conditions in Bangladesh, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Strobel, Manuela, Entwicklung einer Methode zur Bestimmung von Vitamin A in Muttermilch mittels HPLC (Development of a method for the determination of vitamin A in mother"s milk by HPLC), 1998 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Hemrich, Günter, Entwicklungstendenzen in der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion nach der Einführung moderner Reistechnologie. Eine Darstellung am Beispiel von Bangladesh (Development trends in agricultural production after the introduction of modern rice technology. The example of Bangladesh), 1992 Summary only in German as View- PDF
In Bhutan one thesis was supported.
- Röhrig, Felicitas, Adoption of Sustainable Land Management technologies among smallholder farmers in Eastern Bhutan - A microeconomic assessment using a mathematical programming model approach, 2016 Summary as View-PDF
In China a total of 7 theses were supported.
- Petrova, Ioana, Erfassung der Gasverluste während der Blattneubildungsphase des Kautschukbaums (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.) (Detection of the gas losses during the leaf regeneration phase of the rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.)) , 2014 Summary as View-PDF
- Schaffert, Angela, Agrobiodiversity and its Importance in Homegardens of Hill Tribes in Xishuangbanna, SW China, 2012 Summary as View-PDF
- Gao, Haoyue, Assessment of Infant Feeding Policies and Practice in Deyang City (Sichuan province) of China, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
- Han, Lin, The potential of oil bearing crops to improve the well-being and food security of farm households: a case study in Panzhihua, Southwest China, 2009 Summary as View- PDF
- Xu, Lin, Struktur und Wirtschaftlichkeit der Milchproduktion und -verarbeitung in urbanen Gebieten in China (Fallbeispiel: Großraum Peking) (Structure and profitability of dairy production and processing in urban areas in China (case study: Greater Beijing)) , 2009 Summary as View-PDF
- Prechsl, Ulrich E., Agrestal flora associated with paddy rice in Nabane Nature Reserve (Yunnan, PR China), as affected by altitude and management, 2008 Summary as View- PDF
- Deng, Yuming, Ersparnismobilisierung durch ländliche Spar- und Kreditinstitute. Entwicklung, Einflußfaktoren und Kosten - eine Untersuchung am Beispiel ländlicher Finanzinstitute in der V.R. China (Savings mobilization by rural savings and credit institutions. Development, influencing factors and costs - an investigation using the example of rural financial institutions in the P. R. China), 1988 Summary only in German as View- PDF
In China and Thailand together one thesis was supported.
- Mañas Jiménez, Alvaro, Assessing the potential of wildlife corridors as mitigation measures for human-elephant conflicts in rubber-dominated landscapes, 2015 Summary as View-PDF
In Indien a total of 17 theses were supported.
- Nuwanthi, Kushala Amilia, An Intersectional Analysis of Caste and Gender in Organic Cotton in Madhya Pradesh, India, 2023 Summary as View-PDF
- Schätzel, Daniela, Success factors of PGS-based value chains: A case study among smallholder Farmers in Jharkhand, India, 2019 Summary as View-PDF
- Beitze, Damaris Elisabeth, Treatment and prevention of malnutrition among infants and young children in Birbhum District, West-Bengal, India, 2016 Summary as View-PDF
- Schweizer, Steffen, Evaluation of soil physical properties under long-term organic and conventional agricultural systems in Central India, 2015 Summary as View-PDF
- Kand, Deepashree, Comparison of in vitro and in vivo methane production from improved and traditional rations of dairy cows in India, 2015 Summary as View- PDF
- Albrecht, Theresa, Phenotypic Evaluation of a Finger Millet [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.] Core Collection under different Field Conditions in India, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
- Georgiadis, Pavlos, Local Plant Knowledge for Livelihoods. An Ethnobotanical Survey in the Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
- Nuss, Philipp, Investigation of biotechnical conditions of Jatropha curcas L. toward gradual harvest mechanisation, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
- Zeller, Bernd, Assessment of the Economic Perfomance of a Solar Thermal Pump for Irrigation in semi arid India, 2003 Summary as View-PDF
- Fritz, Jochen, Struktur und Wirtschaftlichkeit der Zuckerproduktion in Indien (Structure and profitability of sugar production in India), 2001 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Wirsig, Alexander, Food Web and Community Structure of Arthropods in Organic and Conventional Tea Gardens of Darjeeling, North-East India, 1999 Summary as View- PDF
- Pfaff, Karoline, Analyse der Spar- und Kreditnahmeverhaltens von Frauen in einem Spar- und Kreditprojekt im Taluk Holalkere, Indien (Analysis of the savings and borrowing behavior of women in a savings and credit project in Taluk Holalkere, India), 1994 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Voortman, Uwe, Partizipative Technologieentwicklung: Erfahrungen zur Methodik der Zielgruppenbeteiligung in der Perlhirsezüchtung am ICRISAT, Indien (Participative technology development: Experiences on the methodology of the target group participation in the Perlhirse breeding at ICRISAT, India), 1993 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Batzlen, Christof, Die Auswirkungen von internationaler Arbeitskräftewanderung auf wirtschaftliches Wachstum und Beschäftigung in Kerala (Indien) (The impact of international labor migration on economic growth and employment in Kerala (India)), 1992 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Weinschenk, Andrea, Bildwahrnehmung von Analphabetinnen aus schriftlosen Kulturen am Beispiel eines Lernspieles - Eine Fallstudie aus Indien - (Image Perception of Illiterates from unwritten Cultures by the Example of a Learning Game - A Case Study from India -), 1992 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Maurer, Martin, Mögliche Auswirkungen einer Bodenumverteilung im Rahmen einer Agrarreform auf die ökonomische Lage der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe Ostrajasthans (Possible effects of land redistribution in the context of an agrarian reform on the economic situation of farms in East Rajasthan), 1991 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Hoerz, Thomas, Probleme der Biogas-Übernahme in Tamil Nadu, Indien. Die Sichtweise von Mitgliedern der Zielgruppe und Mitarbeitern des Fördersystems (Problems of the biogas adoption in Tamil Nadu, India. The views of members of the target group and employees of the promotion system), 1989 Summary only in German as View- PDF
In Indonesien a total of 14 theses were supported.
- Distel, Andreas, Assessing temporal dynamics of groundwater and soil salinity and impact on the green infrastructure after the Tsunami event of Dec 26th, 2004, West Aceh- Indonesia, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
- Sänger, Christoph, Economics of Tree Crop Production and Marketing in Post- Tsunami Aceh, Indonesia, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
- Laso Bayas, Juan Carlos, Assessment of physical mitigation provided by tree crops in the 2004 Tsunami event in West Aceh-Indonesia, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
- Köhler, Nurcahya Mardiyanti, Die Nährstoffentwicklung von Böden in langjährigen Brachesystemen von Zentral Sulawesi, Indonesien (The nutrient development of soils in long-term fallow systems of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia), 2003 Summary as View-PDF
- Moray, Roswitha Lucia, The Analysis of the drying behaviour, the Quality changes and the sugar kinetics during the drying process of Indonesian Cocoa, 2003 Summary as View- PDF
- Schmohl, Sven, Sukzession, Biomassenentwicklung und Nährstoffdynamik auf Brachen traditioneller Brandrodungssysteme Zentral-Sulawesis (Succession, biomass development and nutrient dynamics on fallows of traditional slash and burn systems Central Sulawesi), 2002 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Möndel, Alexander, Untersuchung des Trocknungsverhaltens und der Qualitätsveränderung bei der mehrstufigen Dickschichttrocknung indonesischer Kakaosamen (Analysis of the drying behavior and the quality change in the multi-stage thick layer drying of Indonesian cocoa seeds), 2002 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Müller, Anja, Method validation and establishment - Retinol assessment out of capillary and venous dried blood spots and respective plasma from Indonesian preschool children, 2001 Summary as View-PDF
- Sery-Bi, Bénié André, Untersuchung unterschiedlicher Vorbehandlungs- und Fermentationsverfahren von indonesischem Kakao sowie deren Einfluß auf das Trocknungsverhalten (Study of different pretreatment and fermentation processes of Indonesian cocoa and their influence on the drying behavior), 1999 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Pott, Isabell, Untersuchung des Trocknungsverhaltens von indonesischem Robusta-Kaffee (Study of the drying behavior of Indonesian Robusta coffee), 1998 Summary as View- PDF
- Kletti, Evelyn, Charakterisierung traditioneller Haltungssysteme von Zugtieren (Sumpfbüffel bubalus bualis und Balirind bos banteng) auf Bali, Indonesien (Characterization of traditional animal husbandry (Swamp buffalo bubalus bualis and Bali cattle bos banteng) on Bali, Indonesia), 1996 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Melisch, Roland, Zur Biologie und Erhaltung der Otter (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Westjava, Indonesien (On biology and conservation of the otters (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in West Java, Indonesia), 1995 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Völkle, Beate, Cadmium- und Bleigehalte in Böden und Pflanzen indonesischer Kakaoplantagen (Cadmium and lead content in soils and plants of Indonesian cocoa plants), 1992 Summary as View-PDF
- Meyer, Christine, Probleme des Pflanzenschutzes, insbesondere der Schädlingsbekämpfung, im Reisanbau der Region Ostkalimantan in Indonesien (Problems of plant protection, especially pest control, in the rice cultivation of the region of East Kalimantan in Indonesia), 1984 Summary only in German as View-PDF
In Israel a total of 10 theses were supported.
- Okere, Isaiah Annayochukwu, Meat yield and quality of broiler genotypes with and without feathers, under hot conditions, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
- Rummel, Tobias, Analysis of sheep farming systems in Israel, 2002 Summary as View- PDF
- Laubheimer, Ingrid, Einfluß von Quebracho-Tanninen auf die Aktivität von Mikroorganismen des Pansens in vitro und in vivo (Influence of Quebracho tannins on the activity of microorganisms of the rumen in vitro and in vivo), 1997 Summary as View-PDF
- Goldscheider, Stefanie, Halophytische und xerophytische Wüstensträucher im Negev - Inhaltsstoffe und Eignung als Futter für angepasste Weidetiere (Halophytic and xerophytic desert shrubs in Negev - Ingredients and suitability as feed for adapted grazing animals), 1995 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Blanke, Astrid, Weidedegradation in einem semiariden Ökosystem in Israel - Bestimmung der Variation qualitätsdeterminierender Parameter der Biomasse (Pasture degradation in a semi-arid ecosystem in Israel - Determination of the variation of qualitydefining parameters of the biomass), 1994 Summary as View-PDF
- Droppelmann, Klaus, Wasseraufnahme, Entwicklung und Wachstum von Sorghum bei phänologisch orientierter Bewässerung in der Negev-Wüste (Israel) (Water intake, development and growth of sorghum in the case of phenomenologically oriented irrigation in the Negev Desert (Israel)), 1993 Summary as View-PDF
- Mühlig-Versen, Bernhard, Einfluß von Plastikmulch auf den Wasser- und Wärmehaushalt des Bodens sowie die Pflanzenentwicklung von Sorghumbeständen in der Negev-Wüste (Influence of plastic mulch on the water and temperature balance of the soil as well as the plant development of sorghum in the Negev desert), 1993 Summary as View- PDF
- Bohlinger, Brigitte, Feldversuch zu Wirtsspektrum und Wirtsspezifität verschiedener Orobanchearten in Palästina (Field experiment on the host spectrum and host specificity of different Orobanche species in Palestine), 1991 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Oppermann, Petra, The Effect of Heat Treatment of Amaranth on Trypsin and Chymotrypsin Inhibitory Activity and in Vitro Digestability, 1991 Summary as View-PDF
- Vest, Matthias, Wirkungen von Plastik- und Steinmulch auf Wachstum und Ertrag von Sorghum unter Runoff-Bewässerung in der Negevwüste Israels (Effects of plastic and stone mulch on growth and yield of sorghum under runoff irrigation in the Negev desert of Israel), 1991 Summary only in German as View-PDF
In Jemen one thesis was supported.
- Neef, Andreas, Probleme der Produktionsmittelversorgung und Vermarktung landwirtschaftlicher Erzeugnisse, dargestellt am Beispiel der Provinz Al Mahwit, Republik Jemen (Problems of input supply and marketing of agricultural products, illustrated by the example of the province of Al Mahwit, Republic of Yemen), 1991 Summary as View-PDF
In Jordanien a total of 4 theses were supported.
- Alqaisi, Othman, Reproductive performance and lactation yield of local Awassi, Improved Awassi and Afec-Awassi ewes under contemprary comparison on Al-Khanasry station in Jordan, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
- Bechteler, Claudia, Störungen des Haarwechsels bei der Shami-Ziege (Disorders of hair changes in the Shami goat), 1993 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Both, Hubertus, Isolierung von Clostridium perfringens Keimen aus jordanischen Schafbeständen - ein Vergleich mit hiesigen Beständen (Isolation of Clostridium perfringens pathogens from Jordanian sheep stock - a comparison with local stocks), 1993 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Kleiser, Roland, Organisation und Ökonomik der Saatgutwirtschaft im Regenfeldbau Jordaniens (Organization and Economics of Seed Management in Rainfed Agriculture of Jordan), 1987 Summary only in German as View-PDF
In Laos a total of 2 theses were supported.
- Schneider, Antonia, Participatory supply chain analysis of high value spices in Northern Lao PDR, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
- Dannenmann, Barbara Maria Elisabetha, The Potential of Bamboo as a Source of Renewable Energy in Northern Laos, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
In Libanon a total of 2 theses were supported.
- Yazbek, Birgit, The contribution of women to the living standard in Lebanese farming systems - a case study of Druze families in the Chouf Mountains, 2003 Summary as View- PDF
- Gugliemetti, Andrea S., Planung und Organisation der Zucht von Awassischafen im Nahen und Mittleren Osten (Planning and organization of breeding of Awassi sheep in the Middle East), 2000 Summary as View-PDF
In Malaysia one thesis was supported.
- Schlauderer, Ralf, Bestimmungsgründe für das zunehmende Ausscheiden von Flächen aus dem Reisbau in West-Malaysia am Beispiel der Region Sungai Manik (Determinants for the increasing withdrawal of areas from rice cultivation in West Malaysia using the example of the Sungai Manik region), 1991 Summary only in German as View- PDF
In Myanmar one thesis was supported.
- Chertkov, Georgi, Quantifying Pond and Labor Productivity of Small-holder Aquaculture Farmers in the Central Dry-Zone of Myanmar, 2019 Summary as View-PDF
In Nepal a total of 3 theses were supported.
- Brand, Forrest, Knowledge and utilization of non-timber forest products and their contribution to mid-hill farming systems of the Shivapuri Massif, Nepal, 2013 Summary as View- PDF
- Schneider, Dietrich, Beschreibung der Landwirtschaft in der Hügelregion Nepals anhand dreier ausgewählter Betriebe (Description of the agriculture in the hill region of Nepal by means of three selected farms), 1991 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Shresta, Sushma, Art und Bedeutung der Segetalflora des Weizen in Nepal unter Berücksichtigung der sozioökonomischen Verhältnisse (Nature and importance of the weed flora of the wheat in Nepal, taking into account the socioeconomic conditions), 1986 Summary only in German as View-PDF
In Pakistan one thesis was supported.
- Adeel, Adnan, Rural Poverty Analysis in the Punjab Province, Pakistan: A Household Survey, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
In the Philippines a total of 44 theses were supported.
- Bae, Sangeun: How can organic pig production with local breeds in the Philippines succeed in keeping morbidity and mortality low while avoiding anti-microbial use?, 2017 Summary as View-PDF
- Ding, Siyun: Emissions and environmental impact of rice straw valorization via carbonization and composting, 2017 Summary as View-PDF
- Kleemann, Tabea, Potential of maize-common bean intercropping: A review and a case study from the Philippines, 2016 Summary as View-PDF
- Pöhlmann, Inga, How can food security and income diversity of smallholder farmers in the Philippines be improved by organic pig production?, 2016 Summary as View- PDF
- Munder, Simon, Improving thermal conversion properties of rice straw by briquetting, 2013 Summary as View-PDF
- Biller, Christopher, Smallholders’ participation in high value agricultural markets: Potentials and constraints - a case study in the area of Butuan, Philippines, 2013 Summary as View- PDF
- Straube, Benjamin, Development of turning devices for drying of paddy rice in the Philippines, 2013 Summary as View-PDF
- Narjes, Manuel Ernesto, Is Beekeeping a viable additional income for the rural poor? An economic analysis of beekeeping and honey hunting as additional income alternatives for the rural poor in the Philippine Cordillera, Luzon, the Philippines, 2009 Summary as View- PDF
- Rodríguez López, Nuria, Distribution, utilisation and valuation of local Artocarpus spp. on Leyte, Philippines, with special reference to breadfruit (A. altilis), 2007 Summary as View-PDF
- Metzler, Judith, Explorative Economic Analysis of Jatropha curcas. Case study at the Visayas State university, Philippines, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
- Cotter, Marc, Comparison of Abaca (Musa textilis) growth performance in two multi-strata trials with special reference to fiber yield and surrounding vegetation, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
- Fanta, Silke, Abundanzdynamik ausgewählter Arthropoden in Nassreisfeldern auf Leyte, Philippinen (Abundanzdynamik ausgewählter Arthropoden in Nassreisfeldern auf Leyte, Philippinen), 2006 Summary as View-PDF
- Herrmann, John, Studies of Ecology, Biology and Relevance of Leea guineensis G. Don. (Leeaceae) in Landuse Systems on Leyte, Philippines, 2006 Summary as View- PDF
- Milan, Florence Marie P., The Politics, Landowners’ Resistance and Peasants’ Struggle for Genuine Land Reform in the Philippines, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
- Reinert, Armin, Ökophysiologische Untersuchungen an Commersonia bartramia im Hinblick auf ihre Bedeutung für Maßnahmen der Landrehabilitierung auf Leyte, Philippinen (Ecophysiological analysis of Commersonia bartramia with regard to their importance for measures of land rehabilitation on Leyte, Philippines), 2006 Summary as View-PDF
- Kindermann, Claudia, Characterization of undergrowth vegetation in Rainforestation Farming sites on Leyte, Philippines, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
- Klemann, Dorothée, Analyse der Unterwuchsvegetation verschiedener Landnutzungssysteme auf Leyte, Philippinen (Analysis of the undergrowth vegetation of different land-use systems on Leyte, Philippines), 2006 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Prigge, Vanessa, Ethnobotanical Survey among Farmers in Leyte, Philippines, and Comparison with Indigenous Filipino Plant Lore, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
- Diehl, Daniel, Growth of Tree Seedlings on Leyte/Philippines Correlated with Litter Production and Decomposition, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
- Hönicke, Mireille, The Role of indigenous Vegetables for micronutrient Consumption in Southeast Asia: A cross section Analysis of indigenous Vegetable Consumption in the Philippines, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
- Zöfel, Katrin, Regeneration of Soil Fertility through Reforestation? Studies on Pavailability on deforested and forested sites on Leyte, Philippines, 2004 Summary as View- PDF
- Gangurde, Sarwshri V., Abundance Dynamics of selected Arthropods in the Course of Rice Plant Growth in different Rice Agroecosystems of Leyte, Philippines, 2004 Summary as View-PDF
- Bande, Marlito M., Development of a Sustainable Abaca (Musa textilis Née) Production in a Diversified Multi-strata Agroecosystems in Leyte, The Philippines, 2004 Summary as View-PDF
- Voyeux, Elisabeth, Socio-economic and environmental aspects of rainforest tree seedling farming of the Cienda S. Vicente Farmers’ Association (CSVFA), Baybay, Leyte, Philippines, 2003 Summary as View-PDF
- Lippe, Melvin, Habitat Requirement and Population Structure of selected Multipurpose-Tree Species of Primary Rainforests as a Basis for Integration in Land Rehabilitation in the Rainforestation Farming System on Leyte, Philippines, 2003 Summary as View- PDF
- Fritsche, Marc-André, Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des "Rainforestation Farming"-Konzepts für Schwellenländer in den Tropen am Beispiel der Philippinen (The Economic Importance of the "Rainforestation Farming" Concept for Emerging Markets in the Tropics, the example of the Philippines), 2003 Summary as View-PDF
- Daub, Matthias, Litter arthropod community and its impact on decomposition - A contribution to restoration biodiversity in rainforestation systems, Leyte, Philippines, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Böheim, Marc, Mit Chayote (Sechium edule (Jacq.) Schwartz) assoziierte Arthropoden, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Schädlinge und Nützlinge, auf Leyte (Philippinen) (Arthropods associated with Chayote (Sechium edule (Jacq.) Schwartz), with special attention to pests and beneficiaries, on Leyte (Philippines)), 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Davies, Kirsten, Diversity and Abundance of Coccinellidae in different Land Use Systems of Leyte, Philippines, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Worbs, Stefan, Biodiversity of agroecoloical systems with special reference to Abaca (Musa textilis) on Leyte, Philippines, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Renz, Maren, Hinterhofschweinehaltung in Camerines Sur, Philippinen unter Berücksichtigung der Rolle von Frauen und Männern (Backyard pig farming in Camarines Sur, Philippines taking into account the role of women and men), 2000 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Petalcorin, Mary, Nutzung wilder Palmenarten im Westen der Insel Leyte, Philippinen (Use of wild palm trees in the west of the island of Leyte, Philippines), 1995 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Balzer, Peter, Untersuchungen zur Mikroflora von sechs Standorten auf der Insel Leyte (Philippinen) (Studies on the microflora of six sites on the island of Leyte (Philippines)), 1993 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Engler, Anita, Ökologische Untersuchungen zur Arthropodengemeinschaft auf der Süßkartoffel (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Poir.) in Abhängigkeit von der Umgebungsvegetation auf der Insel Leyte (Philippinen) (Ecological studies of the arthropod community on the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Poir.) in relation to the environmental vegetation on the island of Leyte (Philippines)), 1992 Summary as View- PDF
- Klee, Renate, Untersuchungen zur Segetalflora im Süßkartoffelanbau der Insel Leyte (Philippinen) (Studies on the weed flora in the sweet potato cultivation of the island of Leyte (Philippines)), 1992 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Spatz, Robert, Zusammensetzung der Arthropodenfauna im Süßkartoffelanbau der Insel Leyte (Philippinen) - Erfassungen unter Einsatz von Barberfallen und Farbschalen (Composition of the arthropod fauna in the sweet potato cultivation of the island of Leyte (Philippines) - Observations using ground trap and color bowls), 1992 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Da Costa Reis, Caroline, Bestimmung der Proteinverdaulichkeit beim Milchfisch (Chanos chanos F.) in vitro (Determination of protein digestibility in milkfish (Chanos chanos F.) in vitro), 1991 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Halwart, Matthias, Vergleich zweier Pflanzmethoden in der Reis/Fisch-Kultur und deren Auswirkung auf einige, ausgewählte Rahmenbedingungen im Agrarökosystem des bewässerten Tieflandreisfeldes (Comparison of two planting methods in the rice / fish culture and their impact on some, selected conditions in the agricultural ecosystem of the irrigated lowland rice field), 1990 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Achilles, Thomas, Zu den verschiedenen Vegetationstypen im Bereich der Reisterrassen von Banaue (Ifugao, Philippinen) und deren Bedeutung für die Ökologie von Reisschädlingen, am Beispiel von Schadschmetterlingen (The different types of vegetation in the rice terraces of Banaue (Ifugao, Philippines) and their significance for the ecology of rice pests, using the example of harmful butterflies), 1989 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Irnich, Rudolf, Pflanzenschutzstrategien und deren Kosten in wichtigen Produktionsverfahren des Gemüsebaus der Philippinen (Plant protection strategies and their costs in key farming processes of vegetable production in the Philippines), 1989 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Settele, Josef, Zur Ökologie der terrestrischen Arthtopodenfauna philippinischer Reisterrassen (Provinz Ifugao, Nord-Luzon) - unter vergleichender Betrachtung der Verhältnisse bei "traditioneller" und "moderner" Anbauweise (The ecology of the terrestrial arthropod fauna of the Philippine rice terraces (province of Ifugao, Northern Luzon) - by comparing the conditions of "traditional" and "modern" methods of cultivation), 1987 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Jarosch, Jürgen, Der Pflanzenschutz im Maisanbau der Philippinen am Beispiels Western Visayas (Plant protection in maize cultivation of the Philippines using the example Western Visayas), 1986 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Neininger, Walter Franz, Die Ökonomik des Pflanzenschutzes im Maisanbau der Philippinen - Fallstudie Zentral Mindanao (The economics of plant protection in maize cultivation in the Philippines - case study Central Mindanao), 1986 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Günter, Josef, Maisbau in den Philippinen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Pflanzenschutzes (Maize cultivation in the Philippines with a special focus on plant protection), 1984 Summary only in German as View-PDF
In Sri Lanka a total of 2 theses were supported.
- Reitemeier, Maren, Feasibility of food waste reduction options in the context of urban Sri Lanka, 2019 Summary as View-PDF
- Navaratne, Maduwe A.J.S., Economics of Small Scale Farming in Sri Lanka: A case study from Coconut Cattle Silvo pastoryl system, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
In South Korea a total of 2 theses were supported.
- Greib, Martina, Auswirkungen des GATT auf die Landwirtschaft in Südkorea (The impact of GATT on agriculture in South Korea), 1993 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Hubal, Martin, Regionalpolitik und regionale Disparitäten in Südkorea unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Provinz Kangwondo (Regional policy and regional disparities in South Korea, with particular reference to the province of Kangwondo), 1991 Summary only in German as View-PDF
In Syria a total of 9 theses were supported.
- Pape, Andrea, Der Beitrag der Frauen in Arbeits- und Entscheidungsprozessen von Bedouinenfamilien - Ein Beispiel aus Syrien - (The Contribution of Women in Labor and Decision-Making Processes of Bedouin Families - An Example from Syria -), 1994 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Knapp, Markus, Untersuchungen zur Transpiration von Orobanche crenata Forsk. und zum Einfluß des Parasitismus auf Transpiration und Photosynthese verschiedener Wirtspflanzen (Studies on the Transpiration of Orobanche crenata Forsk. and the influence of parasitism on transpiration and photosynthesis of different host plants), 1990 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Pabst, Sabine, Das Beweiden von Gerste mit Schafen in Syrien (The grazing of barley by sheep in Syria), 1990 Summary as View-PDF
- Scheibel, Christiane, Untersuchung zur Wirkung pathogener Pilzarten auf Orobanche (Study on the effect of pathogenic fungal species on Orobanche) , 1989 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Vetterlein, Doris, Wirkung von vesikulär-arbuskulärer Mykorrhiza auf Wachstum und Trockenstreßtoleranz der Kichererbsen (Cicer arietinum L.) (Effect of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza on growth and dry stress tolerance of chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.)), 1989 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Müller, Sabine, Regeneration von Medicago-Weiden im Ley-Farming-System und ihre Bedeutung für die Schafproduktion in Syrien (Regeneration of Medicago pastures in the Ley Farming System and its importance for sheep production in Syria), 1988 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Wyrwal, Gerold, Untersuchungen zur Samenpopulation von Orobanche spp. am natürlich verseuchten Standort sowie zu deren Wechselwirkung mit Kulturpflanzen (Studies on the seed population of Orobanche spp. at the naturally contaminated site as well as their interaction with crop plants), 1988 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Mayer, Andreas, Bekämpfung von Orobanche crenata (FORSK.) in Ackerbohnen und Linsen mit Herbiziden (Control of Orobanche crenata (FORSK.) In faba beans and lentils with herbicides), 1987 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Weber, Edwin, Wirkung von VA-Mykorrhiza und Phosphatdüngung auf Wachstum und Ertrag von Kichererbsen (Cicer arientinum L.) (Effect of VA mycorrhiza and phosphate fertilization on the growth and yield of chickpeas (Cicer arientinum L.)) , 1986 Summary only in German as View-PDF
In Tadjikistan one thesis was supported.
- Silber, Heike, Analyses of Anaemia in the Autonomous Oblast of Gorno-Badakhshan, Republic Tajikistan, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
In Taiwan one thesis was supported.
- Mertz, Wolfgang, Die limitierenden Faktoren der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebsvergrößerung - dargestellt am Beispiel Taiwan - (The Limiting Factors of Farm Enlargement - the Taiwanese Example -), 1997 Summary as View-PDF
In Thailand a total of 68 theses were supported.
- Lormphongs, Acamsiri, Exploring the enablers and barriers for farmers to produce within Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS): A case of organic vegetable farms in Thailand, with a comparative study of Vietnam, 2023 Summary as View-PDF
- Schlichenmaier, Samuel, Soil aggregate formation following plant residue addition of different qualities to low fertility sandy soils in north eastern Thailand, 2020 Summary as View-PDF
- Quaglia, Gisela, Payments for ecosystem services under REDD+: Potentials for uplands watersheds in Northern Thailand, 2016 Summary as View-PDF
- Schönhaar, André, Assessment of water consumption of juvenile „Nam Dokmai “ mango trees (mangifera indica l.), 2016 Summary as View-PDF
- Schweikle, Jonathan, Optimization of pyrolysis temperature for Biochar Production from Different Feedstock, 2015 Summary as View-PDF
- Birkenberg, Athena, Forest Access and Governance: A case study on Karen community forestry in Chiang Mai Province, Northern Thailand, 2012 Summary as View- PDF
- Langford, Elizabeth, Effects of Cytokinins and Mechanical Methods on Propagation of Musa (ABB) CV. ’ Nam Wa’ in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand, 2012 Summary as View- PDF
- Eisele, Julia, Das Potential radiometrischer Daten zur Bestimmung der verfügbaren Kaliumvorräte in Böden Nordthailands (The potential of radiometric data for the determination of the available potassium reserves in soils of northern Thailand), 2012 Summary as View- PDF
- Intani, Kiatkamjon, Non-destructive mango quality assessment using image processing: a nowel, low-cost technology for the fruit handling industry in Thailand, 2012 Summary as View-PDF
- Wulfkühler, Sabine, Auswirkung von Maßnahmen der Mangoverarbeitung auf die Qualität und Ausbeute von Pektin aus Mangoschalen (Effect of mango processing on the quality and yield of pectin from mangosteen shells), 2010 Summary as View-PDF
- Schulze, Katrin, Agronomic and Economic Aspects of Water Saving Irrigation Methods in Mango Production in Northern Thailand, 2010 Summary as View-PDF
- Branch, Oliver, Assessing soil carbon stocks in the Mae Sa Noi subwatershed, 2010 Summary as View-PDF
- Hüller, Torsten, Improvement of the Cropping System in the Limestone Area Bor Krai, Northern Thailand, under consideration of the soil water household and plant nutrition, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
- Chotruangprasert, Kobrat, Do Coffee Farmers in Northern Thailand benefit form Fairtrade?, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
- De Mello Precoppe, Marcelo Figueira, Performance Analysis of a Litchi Drying System in the Upland Region of Northern Thailand, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
- Triani, Rini, Influence of selected pre- and postharvest factors on the quality and peel properties of fresh litchi fruits (Litchi chinensis Sonn.), 2008 Summary as View- PDF
- Trangkathumkul, Arveephan, Methods for identifying farm households’ objectives in land-use decision-making: An empirical application in Northern Thailand, 2007 Summary as View- PDF
- Habasimbi, Kennedy Mpaliwa, Assessment of the Potential of Residues from Fruit Production as Suitable Renewable Energy for Drying Systems in Northern Thailand, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
- Samaniego Eguiguren, Jorge Arturo, Modelling the effect of soil conservation measures on yield, runoff and soil loss in northest Thailand by using WaNulCAS, 2006 Summary as View- PDF
- González Azcarraga, Juan Carlos, Performance investigation of a Taiwan type flat bed dryer currently used for longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) in Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
- Hüller, Torsten, Crop Evaluation for an Improved Cropping System in the Limestone Area Bor Krai, Northern Thailand, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
- Reintjes, Kathrin, Entwicklung, Validierung und Applikation einer GC-MS-Methode zur Bestimmung von Paclobutrazol-Rückständen in Mango- und Bodenproben (Development, validation and application of a GC-MS method for the determination of paclobutrazole residues in mango and soil samples), 2005 Summary as View-PDF
- Kamal, Pathak, Investigation and Simulation of the Effective Anisotropy in Hillslope Soils of Northern Thailand, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
- Yonushonis, Christine, Control of Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley in the Lychee Orchards of Northern Thailand, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
- Nagle, Marcus Constant, Comparison of Partial Rootzone Drying with other Irrigation Regimes on Yield and Quality of Mango, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
- Ballarin, Peter, Agrochemiklalien in nord-thailändischen Wassereinzugsgebieten: Flusswasseruntersuchungen mit Bewertung nach ökologischen Kriterien (Agrochemicals in North-Thailand water catchment areas: River water tests with assessment according to ecological criteria), 2004 Summary as View-PDF
- Owusus-Senyah, Sheila, Effects of different Irrigation and Fertilization Regimes on Yield in Mango Production, 2004 Summary as View-PDF
- Heyd, Helene, Sustainable Watershed Management in Upland Regions of Northern Thailand - Analysis of Stakeholders, Policies and Strategies in the Upper Ping Watershed, 2004 Summary as View-PDF
- Kohls, Susanne, Crop evaluation for water harvesting systems in the mountainous region of Northwest Thailand, 2004 Summary as View-PDF
- Ansorge, Dirk, Methods to Determine Drought Stress and their Suitability for Application in Lychee Orchards, 2003 Summary as View-PDF
- Kahl, Gunnar, Untersuchung zum lateralen Stofftransport im Boden an einem Hangstandort in einer Bergregion Nordthailands (Investigation of the lateral transport of substances in soil on a hillside location in a mountainous region of northern Thailand), 2003 Summary as View-PDF
- Tinoco-Ordónez, Roberto, Steps towards Sustainable Agriculture - An Ethnopedological Soil Survey in a Limestone Area of Northern Thailand, 2003 Summary as View- PDF
- Fischer, Isabel, Media Supported Communication in Agricultural Extension and Participatory Rural Development in Northern Thailand, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Hammer, Martina, Irrigation water conveyance systems in Mae Sa Mai as an example for a rural area in Northern Thailand, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Straub, Matthias, Supply and Demand of Fruits, Vegetables and Pulses. A Market Study in Thailand, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Bergen, Martina, Reflecting upon Conflict of Forest Management in Northern Thailand - The Role of Non-Governmental Organisations - A Case Study from Mae Chaem District, Chiang Mai Province, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Jedele, Stefan, The Importance of the World Market for Mangos for Developing Countries with Special Consideration of Thailand, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Jantschke, Cornelius, Theoretische und empirische Ermittlung des Pflanzenwasserbedarfs von Lycheebäumen in Nordthailand (Theoretical and empirical determination of the plant water requirements of Lychee trees in northern Thailand), 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Schönleber, Nicole, Economical and ecological analysis of farming systems in the mountainous area of Northern Thailand, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Spirovska, Marija, Effects of Drying on Quality of Rosemary and Thyme Plants produced in the Chiang Mai District, Thailand, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Sereke, Firesenai, Land evaluation for sustainable highland agriculture in NWThailand (Phang Ma Pha) - with special respect to soil and water resources, 2002 Summary as View- PDF
- Hruzova, Veronika, The Thai Cabbage Market - Analysis of Price and Market Efficiency, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Afflerbach, Holger Markus, Die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Zuckerproduktion in Thailand und in Australien (The competitiveness of sugar production in Thailand and Australia), 2000 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Baumann, Rainer, Untersuchung des Einflusses der solaren Trocknung in Nordthailand auf die Qualität und Lagerfähigkeit von getrockneten Litchis und Mangos (Study of the influence of solar drying in North Thailand on the quality and storability of dried litchi and mangos), 2000 Summary as View-PDF
- Bühler, Mirjam, Untersuchung des Trocknungsverhaltens und des Einflusses von Vorbehandlungen auf die Qualität getrockneter Litchis und Mangos (Study of the drying behavior and the influence of pretreatments on the quality of dried litchis and mangos) , 2000 Summary as View-PDF
- Wehner, Roswita, Ecological Effects of Herbicide Use on the Weed Flora in Lychee Orchards in the Highlands of Northern Thailand, 2000 Summary as View-PDF
- Dickhoven, Klaus Peter, Micro- and Small Entrepreneurs in Urban Northern Thailand After the Asia Crisis - The Meaning of Microfinance, 2000 Summary as View-PDF
- Kirsch, Centa, Ertrag und Flavonoidgehalt der Medizinalpflanze Passiflora incarnata L. als Bodendecker in Obstplantagen Nordthailands (Yield and flavonoid content of the medicinal plant Passiflora incarnata L. as a ground cover in orchards in northern Thailand), 2000 Summary as View-PDF
- Bierling, Nicole, Anbau, Verarbeitung und Vermarktung von tropischen Früchten in der Bergregion von Nord-Thailand (Cultivation, processing and marketing of tropical fruits in the mountainous region of northern Thailand), 1999 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Grötzner, Joachim, Schädlings- und Nützlingsfauna an Litchi in Bergregionen Nordthailands (Pest and beneficial fauna at Litchi in mountain regions of northern Thailand), 1999 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Hau, Angela Maria, Rural Market Structures and the Impact of Market Access on Agricultural Productivity - A Case Study in Doi Inthanon of Northern Thailand, 1999 Summary as View- PDF
- Hesebeck, Carsten, Folgen von Naturkatastrophen für die ländliche Finanzierung in Thailand: die Behandlung der Risiken und die Bewältigung der Lasten (Consequences of natural disasters for rural finance in Thailand: the treatment of risks and the management of burdens), 1999 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Knüpfer, Judith, Strategien ethnischer Minderheiten in Nordthailand im Spannungsfeld zwischen staatlicher Aufforstungspolitik und Einkommenssicherung. Eine Fallstudie in zwei Dörfern der Provinz Chiang Rai, Thailand (Strategies of ethnic minorities in Northern Thailand in the conflict area between governmental reforestation measures and securing. A case study of two villages in the Chiang Rai Province, Thailand), 1999 Summary as View- PDF
- Lommel, Holger, Der Wirkstoffeintrag durch Sammelbienen unterschiedlicher Bienenarten am Beispiel einer mit Fluvalinat behandelten Longankultur in Nordthailand (The active ingredient input by collecting bees of different species, using the example of cultivation of Longan treated with fluvalinate in northern Thailand), 1999 Summary as View- PDF
- Pauls, Ulrike, Nutritional status of pre-school children in a Hmong village in Northern Thailand - A case study in Mae Sa Mai village, Mae Rim District, Chiang Mai Province, 1999 Summary as View-PDF
- Schiller, Simone Roberta, The Dynamics of Land Tenure and Natural Resource Management under the Influence of Social Organisations of a Hmong Village in Northern Thailand, 1999 Summary as View-PDF
- Stütz, Wolfgang, Toxicological Assessment of Pesticide Residues among Hmong Farmers Living in Northern Thailand, 1999 Summary as View-PDF
- Engelhardt, Christopher, Wirtschaftlichkeitsvergleich verschiedener Verarbeitungsverfahren für Bananen unter Berücksichtigung der Absatzmärkte für frische und verarbeitete Bananen in ausgewählten Regionen Thailands (Comparison of the economics of different processing methods for bananas, taking into account the sales markets for fresh and processed bananas in selected regions of Thailand), 1999 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Veh, Christine, Sammlung und Bestimmung von tropischen Wildleguminosen in Nordthailand (Collection and determination of tropical wild legumes in northern Thailand) , 1998 Summary as View-PDF
- Flörchinger, Felicitas, Optimierung des Phaseolus vulgaris-Rhizobium- Symbiosesystems im nordthailändischen Bergland: Abhängigkeit vom pH-Wert des Bodens (Optimization of the Phaseolus vulgaris rhizobium symbiosis system in the northern highland mountain range: dependence on the pH value of the soil), 1993 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Müller, Martin Uwe, Ökologische Angepaßtheit und kulturelle Akzeptanz von Projektmaßnahmen in einer traditionellen Gesellschaft. Untersuchung am Beispiel eines Projektes einer thailändischen NRO zur Umstellung von traditionellem Wanderfeldbau auf dauerhafte Landwirtschaft in einem Akha-Dorf in Nordthailand (Ecological adaptation and cultural acceptance of project activities in a traditional society. Study of a project by a Thai NGO to convert traditional forestry farming to permanent agriculture in an Akha village in northern Thailand), 1993 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Zimmermann, Steffen, Auswirkungen von Beschattung auf Arabica-Kaffee im Mischanbau mit Straucherbse (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) und Calliandra calothyrsus Meissn. in Nordthailand (Effects of shading on Arabica coffee mixed with pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) and Calliandra calothyrsus Meissn. in northern Thailand), 1993 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Hetzel, Eva, Auswirkung einer Erhöhung der Nutzungsintensität einer Gebirgslandschaft auf Erosion und Einkommen von Wanderfeldbauern in Nordthailand (Effect of an increase in the intensity of use of a mountainous landscape on erosion and income of migratory farmers in northern Thailand), 1991 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Pirscher, Frauke, Wohlfahrts- und Verteilungseffekte der Liberalisierung des Reishandels in Thailand auf Handel und landwirtschaftliche Einkommen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Optimalzolltheorie (Welfare and distribution effects of the liberalization of rice trade in Thailand on trade and agricultural income, with particular reference to the optimal tariff theory), 1990 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Duven, Kai, Zur Ökologie von Lymnaea auricularia, Zwischenwirt von Fasciola gigantica (On the ecology of Lymnaea auricularia, intermediate host of Fasciola gigantica), 1989 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Beutler, Marianne, Sozioökonomische Untersuchung über die Einschätzung und Anwendung von hygienischem und chemischem Pflanzenschutz in Chachoengsao, Thailand (Socioeconomic study on the assessment and application of hygienic and chemical plant protection in Chachoengsao, Thailand), 1986 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Schmidt, Frieder, Einfluß verschiedener Düngungsmaßnahmen auf Wachstum und Mineralstoffgehalte von Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit auf einem Ultisol in Nordost-Thailand (Influence of various fertilization measures on growth and mineral composition of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) De Wit on an Ultisol in Northeast Thailand), 1986 Summary as View-PDF
- Heintz, Thomas, Bakteriosen an Solanaceen in Thailand, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Pseudomonas solanacearum (Bacterioses of solanaceae in Thailand, with particular reference to Pseudomonas solanacearum), 1985 Summary only in German as View-PDF
In Thailand and Vietnam together one thesis was supported.
- Schöll, Kerstin Claudia, Comparison of the applied measures against Highly Pathogenic Avain Influenza (HPAI) in Europe (Kingdom of the Netherlands) and Asia (Kingdom of Thailand and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam), 2005 Summary as View-PDF
In Turkey a total of 8 theses were supported.
- Ernst, Matthias, Auswirkungen von Wasserstreß auf die CO2- Assimilation von Baumwolle in der Cukurova-Region (Türkei) (Impact of water stress on the CO2 assimilation of cotton in the Cukurova region (Turkey)), 1993 Summary as View- PDF
- Schmeißer, Askan, Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Bewässerungsmengen und - intervalle auf die Bestandstemperaturen von Baumwolle in der Cukurova-Region (Türkei) (Effects of different irrigation volumes and intervals on the plant canopy temperature of cotton in the Cukurova region (Turkey)), 1992 Summary as View-PDF
- Müller, Hannes, Vergleich der Anfälligkeit von sechs in der Türkei angebauten Baumwollsorten gegenüber der Baumwollspinnmilbe Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisd.) (Acari: Tetranychidae) (Comparison of the susceptibility of six cotton varieties grown in Turkey against the carmine spider mite Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisd.) (Acari: Tetranychidae)), 1990 Summary as View-PDF
- Fechter, Jürgen, Der Einfluß von Bewässerungsmenge und -intervall auf die Bestandestemperaturen von Baumwolle und Sojabohne (The influence of irrigation quantity and interval on the canopy temperatures of cotton and soybean), 1989 Summary as View- PDF
- Nemet, Peter, Auswertung des Sojabohnenmodells SOYGRO V5.41 unter den Bedingungen der Cukurovaebene, Südtürkei (Evaluation of the soybean model SOYGRO V5.41 under the conditions of the Cukurova-Plain, southern Turkey), 1989 Summary as View- PDF
- Rapp, Günther, Untersuchungen zum Auftreten der Weißen Fliege Bemisia tabaci an Frühjahrskulturen in der Cukurova/Türkei und zur räumlichen Verteilung der Altlarven in Baumwolle, Erarbeitung eines Stichprobenerhebungsverfahrens (Investigations on the occurrence of the White Fly Bemisia tabaci on spring crops in Cukurova / Turkey and on the spatial distribution of the old larvae in cotton, elaboration of a sampling method), 1984 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Siegel, Albrecht, Ein Beitrag zum Einsatz des Kleincomputers in der Tierzucht in Entwicklungsländern - Entwicklung von Programmen und Minimumquadratschätzung und Auswertung von Daten aus Ceylanpinar/Türkei (A contribution to the use of the microcomputer in animal breeding in developing countries - Development of programs and minimum squares estimation and evaluation of data from Ceylanpinar / Turkey), 1984 Summary as View- PDF
- Karb, Helmut, Zuchtwertschätzung (BLUP-Methode) auf einem Kleinrechner für die Bedingungen in Entwicklungsländern (Genetic evaluation (BLUP method) on a microcomputer for the conditions in developing countries), 1982 Summary only in German as View- PDF
In Vietnam a total of 36 theses were supported.
- Khanh Thuy Dinh, Marketing and Branding Options for Pork Products from Ban Pigs in Northern Vietnam, 2019 Summary as View-PDF
- Sandlj, Milica, Quantifying wild meat demand and availability in Hue, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam, 2013 Summary as View-PDF
- Auber, Julia, Influence of Mango Trees on Soil Fertility in Intercropping Systems in North-West Vietnam, 2012 Summary as View-PDF
- Reinhardt, Nadja, Water regime in paddy rice systems in Northern Vietnam, 2012 Summary as View-PDF
- Dhakal, Ganesh, Risk attitudes and risk management strategies of farm households in Northern Vietnam, 2012 Summary as View-PDF
- Kofler, Julian, Possibility of increasing the abundance of inflorescences and fruit retention of the north-western Vietnamese mango variety Hôi by choosing the most appropriate cropping system, 2012 Summary as View-PDF
- Müller, Jonatan, Assessing the Salience, Credibility and Legitimacy of a land use model in the NMR of Vietnam, 2012 Summary as View-PDF
- Schumacher, Karina, Assessing the potential risk of groundwater polluting pesticides in a watershed in Northern Vietnam, 2011 Summary as View-PDF
- Schehle, Christian, Soil erosion, runoff and loss of soil organic matter under maize cultivation in a mountainous region in Northwest Vietnam, 2011 Summary as View-PDF
- Hagel, Heinrich Karl, Local soil knowledge in Vietnam’s northern mountainous region - a case study among different ethnic groups, 2011 Summary as View-PDF
- Bui, Kim Anh, The role of social network for credit access of rural poor households in northern Vietnam, 2010 Summary as View-PDF
- Setianingrum, Rinawati, Breed preferences and adoption potential for alternative feeding options for cattle in Northern Vietnam, 2010 Summary as View-PDF
- Claß-Mahler, Ingrid, Bewertung der Bodeneigenschaften unter Einfluß der Landnutzung des Auftretens von Hangrutschungen in Muong Lum, Provinz Son La, Nordvietnam (Evaluation of soil characteristic changes and their tendency to landslides due to deforestation and agricultural use in the mountainous region of Northern Vietnam) , 2009 Summary as View-PDF
- Nguyen, Thi Thanh, Assessment of land cover change in Chieng Khoi Commune, Northern Vietnam, by combining remote sensing tools and historical local knowledge, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
- Reinhardt, Nadja, Evaluation of a Study Site for sustainable Yield Increase in Northern Vietnam, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
- Luckmann, Jonas, Price transmission and market integration of selected maize and rice markets in Vietnam, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
- Quynh, Vu Duong, The impact of conventional, integrated and organic vegetable production on soil fertility and vegetable quality in Vietnam - A comparative invetigation, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
- Weiß, Anne Margarethe, Charcoal in sediment layers: A way to estimate land use intensification on reservoir siltation?, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
- Boll, Lars, Spatial Variability in Maize and Cassava Productivity in the Chieng Khoi Watershed, Northwest Vietnam, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
- Häring, Volker, Nachhaltigkeit der Landnutzung in einem tropischen Berglandgebiet in der Son La Provinz, Vietnam (Sustainability of land use in a tropical mountainous area in Son La Province, Vietnam), 2008 Summary as View-PDF
- Huong, Pham Thi Mai, Production and Marketing of Indigenous Pig Breeds in the Uplands of Vietnam - An Economic Analysis in Son La Province, 2007 Summary as View- PDF
- Hertel, Maja, Assessment of spatial variability in yield and growth performance along rice paddies in the mountainous regions of North-West Vietnam, 2007 Summary as View- PDF
- Nguyen, Tuan Minh, Assessing the economic efficiency of post-harvest activities in fresh vegetable supply chains in Vietnam, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
- Rößler, Regina, Determining Selection Traits for local Pig Breeds in Northern Vietnam: Smallholders’ Breeding Practices and Trait Preferences, 2005 Summary as View- PDF
- Hoa, Pham Thi Thanh , Phenotypic and biometric characterisation of autochthonous Vietnamese Ban pigs, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
- Dinh, Hoang Quoc, The Damage of Avian Influenza on Farm Household Economics in Northern Vietnam, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
- Le Thi Than Huyen, Analysis of Animal Production Systems in H"mong Villages of Northern Vietnam, 2004 Summary as View-PDF
- Beuchelt, Tina, Vulnerability of Rural Households in Vietnam (Son La Province) - A Network Analysis of Risk-Management, 2004 Summary as View-PDF
- Ecker, Olivier, Large-Scale Infrastructure and Agricultutral Development: Impacts on Rural Poverty in Northwest Vietnam, 2004 Summary as View-PDF
- Nikolic, Nina, Vegetation and Soil Assessment along a Land Use Gradient Hillside in the Uplands of Northern Vietnam, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
- Theesfeld, Insa Johanna, Vietnam"s Rural Credit Market - Determinants of Farmers" Bankability, 2000 Summary as View-PDF
- Dufhues, Thomas Bernhard, Ökonomische Bewertung des Zuckerrohranbaus in kleinbäuerlichen Betriebssystemen in der Son La Provinz (Nordvietnam) (Economic Appraisal of Sugarcane Production in the Son La Province (Northem Vietnam) ), 1999 Summary as View- PDF
- Hirth, Nicole, Untersuchung zur nachhaltigen Landnutzung von Mais- und Maniokfeldern in Hanglagen Nordwest-Vietnams (Study on the sustainable land use of maize and cassava fields on slopes of northwest Vietnam), 1999 Summary as View-PDF
- Köhler, Stefan, Vergleich verschiedener Meßsysteme zur Erfassung von Nährstoffverlusten in Böden Vietnams (Comparison of different measuring systems for the detection of nutrient losses in soils of Vietnam), 1999 Summary only in German as View- PDF
- Gutekunst, Conrad, Entscheidhungskriterien bei der Nutzung von Tephrosia candida (Roxb.) DC. als Erosionsschutzmaßnahme in den Bergregionen Nordvietnams (Decision-making criteria for the use of Tephrosia candida (Roxb.) DC. as an erosion protection measure in the mountain regions of northern Vietnam), 1998 Summary only in German as View-PDF
- Schenk, Ralph Wolfgang, Einflußfaktoren auf den Kreditzugang bei Kleinbauern in Nordvietnam (Factors influencing credit access to small farmers in North Vietnam), 1998 Summary only in German as View-PDF
Information material and requirements for funding can be found under the following link:
► Application forms 2017
► Contact Dr. Marcus Giese, Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute, Uni. Hohenheim
Supported diploma and master thesis
- ► Supported theses 2015 – 2023
- ► Supported theses 2010 – 2014
- ► Supported theses 2005 – 2009
- ► Supported theses 2000 – 2004
- ► Supported theses 1993 – 1999
- ► Supported theses 1983 – 1992
- ► Africa
- ► Asia
- ► Latin America
- ► Australia/Oceania
- ► Europe/USA
- ► Soil Science
- ► Plant production and nutrition
- ► Plant breeding
- ► Agricultural ecology and plant protection
- ► Animal Husbandry
- ► Grassland
- ► Agricultural engineering
- ► Agricultural economics
- ► Rural sociology and extension
- ► Nutritional sciences
- ► Food technology
- ► Supported theses 2015 – 2023
- ► Supported theses 2010 – 2014
- ► Supported theses 2005 – 2009
- ► Supported theses 2000 – 2004
- ► Supported theses 1993 – 1999
- ► Supported theses 1983 – 1992
- ► Africa
- ► Asia
- ► Latin America
- ► Australia/Oceania
- ► Europe/USA
- ► Soil Science
- ► Plant production and nutrition
- ► Plant breeding
- ► Agricultural ecology and plant protection
- ► Animal Husbandry
- ► Grassland
- ► Agricultural engineering
- ► Agricultural economics
- ► Rural sociology and extension
- ► Nutritional sciences
- ► Food technology