Hans H. Ruthenberg (1928-1980)
Award Ceremony 2023
Award Ceremony 2022
Award Ceremony 2021
Award Ceremony 2020
Award Ceremony 2019
Award Ceremony 2018
Award Ceremony 2017
Award Ceremony 2016
Award Ceremony 2015
Award Ceremony 2014
Award Ceremony 2013
Award Ceremony 2012
Award Ceremony 2011
Award Ceremony 2010
Award Ceremony 2009
Award Ceremony 2008
Award Ceremony 2007
Award Ceremony 2006
Award Ceremony 2005
Award Ceremony 2004
Award Ceremony 2003
Award Ceremony 2002
Award Ceremony 2001
Award Ceremony 2000
Award Ceremony 1999
Hans Hartwig Ruthenberg-Graduate Award
All award winners in alphabetical order:
Andres, Christian: "Fertilization of Dioscorea rotundata with poultry manure: effects on nutrient dynamics and nutrient unse efficiencies", Ruthenberg-Award 2013 Summary as View-PDF
Aufderheide-Voigts, Mareike: "Reproductive performance and modelled herd development of cattle kept by Borana pastoralists in Southern Ethiopia", Ruthenberg-Award 2016 Summary as View-PDF
Bacud, Eva Salve Tino: “Breeding with an lntersectional Lens: Understanding Farmers' Varietal Trait Preferences for Gender-Responsive and Socially Inclusive Breeding Goals”, Ruthenberg-Award 2022 Summary as View-PDF
Bahru, Bezawit Adugna: "Climatic shocks, child undernutrition, and health outcomes: A quantitative analysis using the Young Lives cohort study", Ruthenberg-Award 2018 Summary as View-PDF
Bartusch, Kai Steffen: “Elevated temperatures accelerate graft formation: a key factor for optimizing cotyledon micrografting”, Ruthenberg-Award 2021 Summary as View-PDF
Baumann, Soo Mee: "Measuring Food Security in Laos. Validation of the World Food Programme’s Food Consumption Score for the Lao Context", Ruthenberg-Award 2010 Summary as View-PDF
Baumgartner, Daniel: "Improvement of Traditional Methods of Palm Oil Processing in Cameroon", Ruthenberg-Award 2001 Summary as View-PDF
Beukert, Ulrike: “Genome-based identification of heterotic patterns in rice”, Ruthenberg-Award 2017 Summary as View-PDF
Beyene, Blen: "Drought stress effect on the glucosinolate content of Brassica carinata A. Braun", Ruthenberg-Award 2007 Summary as View-PDF
Bierkamp, Sina: “Assessing the Role of Natural Resource Extraction and its Determinants for Rural Households in Southeast Asia”, Ruthenberg-Award 2020 Summary as View-PDF
Bierschenk, Birgit: “Rice wild relatives under different iron stress regimes – growth parameters, yield and grain quality factors”, Ruthenberg-Award 2019 Summary as View-PDF
Birkenberg, Athena: "Forest Access and Governance: A case study on Karen community forestry in Chiang Mai Province, Northern Thailand", Ruthenberg-Award 2012 Summary as View-PDF
Bühler, Dorothee Christine: "Child labor and reduction in education - Coping mechanisms for income shocks", Ruthenberg-Award 2014 Summary as View-PDF
Bues, Andrea: "Agricultural Foreign Direct Investment, Water Rights and Conflict - an Institutional Analysis from Ethiopia", Ruthenberg-Award 2011 Summary as View-PDF
Daude, Sabine: "Food Security and the Developing Countries in the WTO Negotiations", Ruthenberg-Award 2001 Summary as View-PDF
Fischer, Sahrah: "The baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) in southern Kenya - A study on status, distribution, use, and importance in Taita-Taveta County.", Ruthenberg-Award 2015 Summary as View-PDF
Gardner, Eleanor: "Forest incomes: A means to achieve aspirations and move out of poverty", Ruthenberg-Award 2023 Summary as View-PDF
Guuroh, Reginald Tang: "Contribution of home gardens to household income generation in Burkina Faso (a case study of Bieha District)", Ruthenberg-Award 2012 Summary as View-PDF
Häring, Volker: "Nachhaltigkeit der Landnutzung in einem tropischen Berglandgebiet in der Son La Provinz, Vietnam.", Ruthenberg-Award 2009 Summary as View-PDF
Hardeweg, Bernd: "Economic Approach for Evaluating Desert Locust Control Strategies", Ruthenberg-Award 2000 Summary as View-PDF
Höffler, Heike: "Implications of Food Market Liberalisation in Developing Countries: Empirical Evidence from the Kenyan Dairy Sub-Sector", Ruthenberg-Award 2002 Summary as View-PDF
Houssou, Nazaire Sénou Idrissou: "Debt Position of Developing Countries and new Initiatives for Debt Reduction. A Panel Data Fixed Effects Estimation of the Impacts of the HIPC Initiatives", Ruthenberg-Award 2005 Summary as View-PDF
Jacobi, Johanna: "Agricultural Biodiversity as a Livelihood Strategy? The Case of Wastewater-Irrigated Vegetable Cultivation along the Musi River in Periurban Hyderabad, India", Ruthenberg-Award 2010 Summary as View-PDF
Jankowski, Anna: "Economics of Biological Control of diamondback Moth in Vegetable Production in East Africa", Ruthenberg-Award 2008 Summary as View-PDF
Jessser, Achim: “Development, Testing, and Optimization of a Prototype Seedball Machine for Sahelian Smallholder Farmers in Niger”, Ruthenberg-Award 2021 Summary as View-PDF
Johannsen, Julia: "„I’m Weaver and Farmer at the Same Time“: Non-Agricultral Employment, Gender and Development in Rural Guatemala", Ruthenberg-Award 2004 Summary as View-PDF
Keding (née Keller), Gudrun B.: "African nightshade, eggplant, Spiderflower et al. - production and consumption of traditional vegetables in Tanzania from the farmers point of view", Ruthenberg-Award 2005 Summary as View-PDF
Kirchner, Ella: “From outreach to holistic social performance: expanding the microfinance trade-off debate regarding financial performance using principal component analysis”, Ruthenberg-Award 2021 Summary as View-PDF
Kleinau, Christina: "Are rising prices in agricultural commodity markets in the interests of the Bottom of the Pyramid?", Ruthenberg-Award 2013 Summary as View-PDF
Kleinwechter, Ulrich: "The Significance and Adoption of Quality and Safety Standards in International Agricultural Trade - A Developing Country Case Study of the Mango Export Sector in Piura, Peru", Ruthenberg-Award 2006 Summary as View-PDF
Knüpfer, Judith: "Strategien ethnischer Minderheiten in Nordthailand im Spannungsfeld zwischen staatlicher Aufforstungspolitik und Einkommenssicherung. Eine Fallstudie in zwei Dörfern der Provinz Chiang Rai, Thailand", Ruthenberg-Award 2000 Summary as View-PDF
Krumbe, Falk: "The economic dependency of Ghana’s cocoa sector on pollination services”, Ruthenberg-Award 2023 Summary in German as View-PDF
Laso Bayas, Juan Carlos: "Assessment of physical mitigation provided by tree crops in the 2004 Tsunami event in Aceh-Indonesia", Ruthenberg-Award 2008 Summary as View-PDF
Leiser, Willmar: "Variation for Adaptation of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) to Low Phosphorous Soils in Mali (West Africa)", Ruthenberg-Award 2011 Summary as View-PDF
Liebe, Jens: "Estimation of Water Storage Capacity and Evaporation Losses of Small Reservoirs in the Upper East Regions of Ghana", Ruthenberg-Award 2003 Summary as View-PDF
Liebenehm, Sabine: "Economic impact of livestock research on farmers` knowledge and productivity - the case of trypanosomosis in West Africa", Ruthenberg-Award 2009 Summary as View-PDF
Ludwig, Till: "Impact of hybrid rice on food security. A spatial equilibrium analysis of global adoption and diffusion of hybrid rice varieties", Ruthenberg-Award 2013 Summary as View-PDF
Lustenberger, Jörg: "Sustainable Shrimp - Marktnische oder Wachstumspotential", Ruthenberg-Award 2001 Summary as View-PDF
Matthus, Elsa: "Genome wide association study (GWAS) to identify genes associated with tolerance to iron toxicity in rice (Oryza sativa L.) - greenhouse experiment and field validation", Ruthenberg-Award 2014 Summary as View-PDF
Meemken, Eva-Marie: "Adapting the Peruvian Agricultural Sector to Climate Change: Policy Processes and the Perspective of Small-Scale Farmers in the Andes", Ruthenberg-Award 2014 Summary as View-PDF
Meise, Dominic: "Food security in Stung Treng, Cambodia - An empirical assessment", Ruthenberg-Award 2015 Summary as View-PDF
Molitor, Ramona: "Testing the fetal origins hypothesis: The case of rainfall shocks in India", Ruthenberg-Award 2015 Summary as View-PDF
Nagle, Marcus Constant: "Comparison of Partial Rootzone Drying with other Irrigation Regimes on Yield and Quality of Mango", Ruthenberg-Award 2006 Summary as View-PDF
Nikolic, Nina: "Vegetation and Soil Assessment along a Land Use Gradient Hillside in the Uplands of Northern Vietnam", Ruthenberg-Award 2003 Summary as View-PDF
Nöldeke, Beatrice: "Gender-Specific Aspects of Transforming Fish Value Chains in Zambia" , Ruthenberg-Award 2018 Summary as View-PDF
Otto, Lutz-Heiner: "Assessing the economic potential and land-use changes of Conservation Agriculture practices in northern Namibia - A multiperiod modeling approach", Ruthenberg-Award 2018 Summary as View-PDF
Reiber, Christoph: "Potential and constraints of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in Honduran hillside - A farmers’ assessment", Ruthenberg-Award 2004 Summary as View-PDF
Reichl-Petsch, Tanja: "Krankenernährung in Haydom, Tansania", Ruthenberg-Award 2003 Summary as View-PDF
Reif, Jochen Christoph: "Genetic Diversity within and between Seven Tropical Maize Populations Investigated with SSR Markers and Relation to the Heterosis of Their Crosses", Ruthenberg-Award 2002 Summary as View-PDF
Rysavy, Anne: "GIS Based Gap Analysis as a Tool for Biodiversity Conservation Optimization: The IITA Cowpea Collection", Ruthenberg-Award 2009 Summary as View-PDF
Scheiterle, Lilli: "Opportunities and challenges in the production of maize in Northern Ghana. Insights from a household survey", Ruthenberg-Award 2012 Summary as View-PDF
Schlechtriem, Christian: "Effekt von L-Carnitin auf Wachstum, Futterverwertung, Körperzusammensetzung und Mortalität bei Tilapiahybriden (Oreochromis niloticus x Oreochromis aureus) unter teichwirtschaftlichen Bedingungen in Israel", Ruthenberg-Award 2000 Summary as View-PDF
Schwarze, Louis: "Governance of pesticides in Zambia”, Ruthenberg-Award 2023 Summary as View-PDF
Schweizer, Steffen A.: "Evaluation of soil physical properties under long-term organic and conventional agricultural systems in Central India", Ruthenberg-Award 2016 Summary as View-PDF
Secondini, Giulia: "The Role of Services for Small Farmers’ Agricultural Growth. A study of Maddur taluk, in Mandya district, Karnataka, India", Ruthenberg-Award 2010 Summary as View-PDF
Senz, Sarah Luisa: "Adoption of Agro-Ecological Farming Practices. A Case Study from Burkina Faso”, Ruthenberg-Award 2017 Summary as View-PDF
Steglich, Mirijam: "Smallholder Dairy Intensification in the Ethiopian Highlands: Consequences for Intra-household Resource Allocation and Distribution of Benefits - with Special Regard to Child Nutrition", Ruthenberg-Award 1999 Summary as View-PDF
Steinhübel, Franziska: "Do Indonesian Consumers Value Organic Rice? – Evidence from a Willingness to Pay Experiment with Randomised Pricing”, Ruthenberg-Award 2020 Summary as View-PDF
Steinke, Jonathan: "Citizen Science with Resource-poor Farmers as a new Approach to Climate Adaptation and Food Security: Evidence from Honduras", Ruthenberg-Award 2016 Summary as View-PDF
Stinzing, Florian Conrad: "Partialanalyse und Analytik von Betaxanthinen und Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen von Betalainen in Früchten von Opuntia ficus-indica", Ruthenberg-Award 1999 Summary as View-PDF
Tabe-Ojong, Martin Paul jr.: "A double hurdle model of the impacts of improved chickpea adoption on smallholder commercialization in Ethiopia (panel analysis)”, Ruthenberg-Award 2019 Summary as View-PDF
Theesfeld, Insa Johanna: "Vietnam's Rural Credit Market - Determinants of Farmers' Bankability", Ruthenberg-Award 2000 Summary as View-PDF
van Edig, Xenia Felice: "Measurement of Absolute Poverty and Indicators of Poverty among Rural Households in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia", Ruthenberg-Award 2007 Summary as View-PDF
Villalba, Roberto: "The ‘Uberization’ of agricultural mechanization services: The case of EM3 Agri Services in Rajasthan, India”, Ruthenberg-Award 2020 Summary as View-PDF
Wenndorf, Maike: "Herkunft der Futtermittel zur Erzeugung des in Deutschland konsumierten Fleisches", Ruthenberg-Award 2008 Summary as View-PDF
Wollni, Meike: "Assessing the Poverty Outreach of Microfinance Institutions at Household and Regional Level", Ruthenberg-Award 2002 Summary as View-PDF
The announcement of the terms of application for 2024 will be published in October 2023.
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