Award winners 2006
Dr. Alwin Keil
University of Goettingen, 2004
„The socio-economic impact of ENSO-related drought on farm households in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia“
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Dr. Diemuth E. Pemsl
University of Goettingen, 2005
“Economics of Agricultural Biotechnology in Crop Protection in Developing Countries. The Case of Bt-Cotton in Shandong Province, China“
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Dr. Lulseged Tamene Desta
University of Bonn, 2004
“Reservoir siltation in the drylands of northern Ethiopia: causes, source areas and management options”
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Dr. Susanne Dreisigacker and Dr. Jochen Reif
University of Hohenheim, 2004
“Genetic Diversity in Elite Lines and Landraces of CIMMYT Spring Bread Wheat and Hybrid Performance of Crosses among Elite Germplasm” und ”Assessing the Genetic Diversity in Crops with Molecular Markers: Theory and Experimental Results with CIMMYT Wheat and Maize Elite Germplasm and Genetic Resources”
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The prize was awarded on October 8, 2006 at the Tropentag at the University of Bonn by the Eiselen Foundation. The prize winners received Euro 5,000 each for their scientific work, which is a recognizable contribution to the improvement of the nutritional situation in developing countries.
The next announcement of the terms of applications for the Science-Award 2026 will be published in October 2025.
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