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Supported Thesis Animal Husbandry
Hermann Eiselen Scholarship Program

A total of 86 theses in the subject area of animal husbandry were supported.

  • Okeke, Immaculata Ijeoma, Are Animal Breeding and Digital Technologies Shifting Gender Norms and Dynamics? The Case of Tanzanian Small-Scale Dairy Farming Households, 2023 Summary as View-PDF
  • Laffoon, Bethany Lynn, Examining Development Pathways and Tradeoffs of Pastoral Livestock Systems in Kenya, 2022 Summary as View-PDF
  • Grau, Joshua, Examining Livestock Development and Giving Recommendations to Develop the Livestock Sector in Zambia, 2022 Summary as View-PDF
  • Plöchl, Jane Friedericke, Herders’ traditional knowledge and rangeland management as climate adaption strategy in the Enduimet Wildlife Management Area, Northern Tanzania, 2020 Summary as View-PDF
  • Zawada, Paulina, Effects of the integrated crop-livestock and crop-livestock-forestry systems on forage growth, grazing behaviour, feed intake and performance of Nellore heifers during the dry season in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, 2020 Summary as View-PDF
  • Khanh Thuy Dinh, Marketing and Branding Options for Pork Products from Ban Pigs in Northern Vietnam, 2019 Summary as View-PDF
  • Chertkov, Georgi, Quantifying Pond and Labor Productivity of Small-holder Aquaculture Farmers in the Central Dry-Zone of Myanmar, 2019 Summary as View-PDF
  • Bae, Sangeun: How can organic pig production with local breeds in the Philippines succeed in keeping morbidity and mortality low while avoiding anti-microbial use?, 2017 Summary as View-PDF
  • Jocher, Franziska Eva, Räumliche Heterogenität der Vegetation und des Verhaltens von Milchkühen auf Weiden in den Anden Perus (Spatial heterogeneity of vegetation and behavior of dairy cows on pastures in the Andes of Peru), 2016 Summary as View- PDF
  • Gownipuram, Ravindravarma, The use of sorghum-legume silages for feeding of crossbred lactating cows in El Salvador, 2016 Summary as View-PDF
  • Pöhlmann, Inga, How can food security and income diversity of smallholder farmers in the Philippines be improved by organic pig production?, 2016 Summary as View- PDF
  • Kand, Deepashree, Comparison of in vitro and in vivo methane production from improved and traditional rations of dairy cows in India, 2015 Summary as View- PDF
  • Wassie, Shimels, The effect of different carbohydrate and nitrogen sources on feed intake, nitrogen balance and performance of growing sheep, 2015 Summary as View-PDF
  • Berger, Maximilian, Grazing behavior and movement patterns of Nellore beef cattle in three different pastoral systems in westerrn Paraná, Brazil, 2014 Summary as View-PDF
  • Setianingrum, Rinawati, Breed preferences and adoption potential for alternative feeding options for cattle in Northern Vietnam, 2010 Summary as View-PDF
  • Tschanadi, Aylin, Utilization of by-catch and processing wastes from marine fishery in feeds for the organic aquaculture of marine shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei in Costa Rica, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Wurst, Selma, Evaluation of protein-rich feed ingredients for the organic production of freshwater prawns Macrobrachium rosenbergii by smallholders in the inlands of Costa Rica, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Heeb, Alexander, Participatory risk assessment on game products marketed through formal and informal chains: Hazard identification and risk assessment, 2009 Summary as View- PDF
  • Orford, Rohan, A Growth Experiment Evaluating Moringa stenopetala Leaves as an Alternative Protein Source for Farm Based Aqua-Feed in a Rural Semi- Intensive Culture System for Oreochromis niloticus baringoensis L. in the Rift Valley, Kenya, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Ndongo, Flavien Kassé, Choice of breeds and husbandry practices influencing the safety of milk and milk products from smallholder dairy cattle farms around Nairobi, focussing on Brucellosis, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Traoré, Sékou Amadou, Contribution of endemic ruminants to the livelihoods of small farmers in The Gambia, 2009 Summary as View-PDF
  • Takyi, Augustine Kodom, Perceived versus realised benefits of crossbred goats in the Kedida Gamela district of southern Ethiopia, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
  • Schneider, Sarah, Geographical certification as production and commercialisation strategy for smallholder sheep farming in Ceará, Brazil, 2008 Summary as View-PDF
  • Okere, Isaiah Annayochukwu, Meat yield and quality of broiler genotypes with and without feathers, under hot conditions, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Alqaisi, Othman, Reproductive performance and lactation yield of local Awassi, Improved Awassi and Afec-Awassi ewes under contemprary comparison on Al-Khanasry station in Jordan, 2007 Summary as View-PDF
  • Hüttner, Marion, Genetische Untersuchungen an Echinococcus granulosus - Isolaten aus Wildtieren, mit Schwerpunkt Löwen (Panthera leo), des Queen Elizabeth National Park (Genetic analysis of Echinococcus granulosus isolates from wild animals, with a focus on lions (Panthera leo), the Queen Elizabeth National Park) , 2006 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Oehme, Maike, Nitrogen budget under different nitrogen inputs in integrated ricefish culture in Bangladesh, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Kneer, Oliver, Concepts and actors in organic livestock husbandry in Bolivia, 2006 Summary as View-PDF
  • Sautter, Jürgen, Die Eignung von Panagrellus redivivus als Lebendfutter in der Larvenernährung des Fiederbartwelses Synodontis petricola (The suitability of Panagrellus redivivus as live fodder in the larvae feeding of Synodontis petricola), 2005 Summary as View-PDF
  • Rößler, Regina, Determining Selection Traits for local Pig Breeds in Northern Vietnam: Smallholders’ Breeding Practices and Trait Preferences, 2005 Summary as View- PDF
  • Schöll, Kerstin Claudia, Comparison of the applied measures against Highly Pathogenic Avain Influenza (HPAI) in Europe (Kingdom of the Netherlands) and Asia (Kingdom of Thailand and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam), 2005 Summary as View-PDF
  • Hoa, Pham Thi Thanh , Phenotypic and biometric characterisation of autochthonous Vietnamese Ban pigs, 2005 Summary as View-PDF
  • Frank, Martha Laura, Environmental Impact of Conventional and Organic Shrimp Pond Effluents on the Guaraíras Lagoon: A Case Study at Tibau do Sul, Brazil, 2005 Summary as View- PDF
  • Wuthenau, Matthias von, The suitability of the free living nematode Panagrellus redivivus as live food for first feeding Litopenaeus vannamei larvae, 2004 Summary as View- PDF
  • Grund, Susanne, Development of body weight and body condition of Rendille camel types in Northern Kenya, 2004 Summary as View-PDF
  • Le Thi Than Huyen, Analysis of Animal Production Systems in H"mong Villages of Northern Vietnam, 2004 Summary as View-PDF
  • Maritz, Jaco, Evaluation of Camel Health Management Practises of Rendille Pastoralists in Marsabit District, Kenya, 2004 Summary as View-PDF
  • Musavaya, Katinka, Weight Development in Camels of Different Age and Sex Classes under Field Conditions in a semi-arid Area in Northern Kenya, 2003 Summary as View- PDF
  • Aloo, Fredrick Onyango, Validation of indigenous Assessment of Milk Performance of different Rendille Camel Types in Northern Kenya, 2003 Summary as View-PDF
  • Robles, Erika Alandia, Animal Health Management in a llama breeding project in Ayopaya, Bolivia. Parasitological Survey, 2003 Summary as View-PDF
  • Adams, Marion, Indigene Charakterisierung lokaler Kamelpopulationen und Zuchtmaßnahmen von Nomaden in Nordkenia (Indigenous characterization of local camel population and breeding activities of nomads in north Kenia), 2002 Summary as View-PDF
  • Rummel, Tobias, Analysis of sheep farming systems in Israel, 2002 Summary as View- PDF
  • Steinbronn, Silke, Impact of dietary Quillaja saponins on growth, sex ratio and reproduction of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) under field conditions in Bangladesh, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
  • Ike, Anthony, Urban Dairying in Awassa, Ethiopia, 2002 Summary as View-PDF
  • Eisele, Jenny, Die Bedeutung der Anglo Nubier-Ziege für kleinbäuerliche Betriebe in Ländern der Tropen und Subtropen (The importance of the Anglo-nubian goat for small farmers in countries of the tropics and subtropics), 2001 Summary as View-PDF
  • Voigt, Carola, Ansätze zur feldgeeigneten Milchleistungserfassung in nomadischen Kamelherden (Approaches to the field-appropriate milk performance assessment in nomadic camel herds), 2001 Summary as View-PDF
  • van Erve, Bregje, The Use of a Vibration Meter as Indicator for Chewing Activtiy in horned Cattle, 2000 Summary as View-PDF
  • Gugliemetti, Andrea S., Planung und Organisation der Zucht von Awassischafen im Nahen und Mittleren Osten (Planning and organization of breeding of Awassi sheep in the Middle East), 2000 Summary as View-PDF
  • Renz, Maren, Hinterhofschweinehaltung in Camerines Sur, Philippinen unter Berücksichtigung der Rolle von Frauen und Männern (Backyard pig farming in Camarines Sur, Philippines taking into account the role of women and men), 2000 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Nücker, Ulrike, Perspektiven der langfristigen Nutzung der in Spanien autochthonen genetischen Ressource Iberisches Schwein in ökologischer Haltung (Perspectives for the long-term use of the genetic resource of the autochthonous Iberian pig in ecological breeding in Spain), 2000 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Peters, Christian, Gewichtsermittlung von Kamelen mittels linearer Körpermaße (Weight determination of camels by means of linear body measurements), 1999 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Fischer, Andreas, Onchocerca Parasiten von Rindern in Afrika, Europa und Amerika: Untersuchungen zur Charakterisierung von Onchocerca Gutturosa, Onchocerca Lienalis und Onchocerca Stilesi (Onchocerca parasites of cattle in Africa, Europe and America: Investigations on the characterization of Onchocerca Gutturosa, Onchocerca Lienalis and Onchocerca Stilesi), 1998 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Hering, Natascha, Flockungsaktivität von Moringa oleifera-Samen verschiedener Herkunft und die Verwertbarkeit von Nebenprodukten des Abwasserklärungsprozesses in der Tierernährung (Flocculation activity of Moringa oleifera seeds of different origins and the usability of by-products of the water purification process in animal nutrition), 1997 Summary only in German as View- PDF
  • Laubheimer, Ingrid, Einfluß von Quebracho-Tanninen auf die Aktivität von Mikroorganismen des Pansens in vitro und in vivo (Influence of Quebracho tannins on the activity of microorganisms of the rumen in vitro and in vivo), 1997 Summary as View-PDF
  • Moser, Marietta, Untersuchungen zum Laktationsverlauf von Milchkühen in Costa Rica (Studies on the lactation process of dairy cows in Costa Rica), 1997 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Kletti, Evelyn, Charakterisierung traditioneller Haltungssysteme von Zugtieren (Sumpfbüffel bubalus bualis und Balirind bos banteng) auf Bali, Indonesien (Characterization of traditional animal husbandry (Swamp buffalo bubalus bualis and Bali cattle bos banteng) on Bali, Indonesia), 1996 Summary only in German as View- PDF
  • Krauß, Evelyn, Auswirkungen des Erstkalbealters auf die Laktationsleistung von Holstein Friesian und Jersey Kühen in Costa Rica (Effects of the age of first-calf cows on the lactation performance of Holstein Friesian and Jersey cows in Costa Rica), 1996 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Zapirain, Rebeca, Leistung von Schwarzbunten und ihren Kreuzungen in Malawi (Performance of Holstein Friesian cattle and their breeds in Malawi), 1996 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Oldenkotte, Bernadette, Isolierung von Clostridium perfringens aus süddeutschen und beninischen Ziegenkotproben (Typisierung im ELISA) (Isolation of Clostridium perfringens from South German and Benin Goats" feces samples (Typing by ELISA)), 1995 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Blanke, Astrid, Weidedegradation in einem semiariden Ökosystem in Israel - Bestimmung der Variation qualitätsdeterminierender Parameter der Biomasse (Pasture degradation in a semi-arid ecosystem in Israel - Determination of the variation of qualitydefining parameters of the biomass), 1994 Summary as View-PDF
  • Bechteler, Claudia, Störungen des Haarwechsels bei der Shami-Ziege (Disorders of hair changes in the Shami goat), 1993 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Both, Hubertus, Isolierung von Clostridium perfringens Keimen aus jordanischen Schafbeständen - ein Vergleich mit hiesigen Beständen (Isolation of Clostridium perfringens pathogens from Jordanian sheep stock - a comparison with local stocks), 1993 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Rath, Thomas, Schätzung der Futteraufnahme weidender Rinder am semi-ariden Standort - Ein Methodenvergleich - (Estimation of feed intake of grazing cattle at semi-arid location - A method comparison -), 1993 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Hülsebusch, Christian G., Ermittlung der Produktivität extensiv gehaltener Rinderherden mittels Modellrechnungen am Beispiel der Ol Maisor Ranch in Kenia (Investigation of the productivity of extensively kept cattle herds using model calculations using the example of the Ol Maisor Ranch in Kenya), 1992 Summary only in German as View- PDF
  • Kaufmann, Brigitte, Bedeutung olfaktorischer Reize für die weibliche Fortpflanzungsfunktion beim Dromedar (Camelus dromedarius) (Significance of olfactory stimuli for the female reproductive function of dromedary (Camelus dromedarius)), 1992 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Weigel, Thilo, Das Vorkommen von pathogenen Keimen und Endoparasitendauerformen in den Faecs von Thryonomys swinderianus (The occurrence of pathogens and endoparasite forms in the Faecs of Thryonomys swinderianus), 1992 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Da Costa Reis, Caroline, Bestimmung der Proteinverdaulichkeit beim Milchfisch (Chanos chanos F.) in vitro (Determination of protein digestibility in milkfish (Chanos chanos F.) in vitro), 1991 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Fink, Harald, Schätzung demographischer Parameter in der Wildnutzung aus ermitteltem Populationswachstum und -struktur, Entnahmerate und Zusammensetzung der Entnahme auf einer kenianischen Wildranch (Estimation of demographic parameters in wildlife exploitation from determined population growth and structure, extraction rate and composition of the extraction on a Kenyan wildlife ranch), 1990 Summary only in German as View- PDF
  • Duven, Kai, Zur Ökologie von Lymnaea auricularia, Zwischenwirt von Fasciola gigantica (On the ecology of Lymnaea auricularia, intermediate host of Fasciola gigantica), 1989 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Hermann, Sigrid, Hygienische Bedeutung des Parasitenbefalls bestimmter Nagetiere in Ägypten (Hygienic importance of the parasite infestation of certain rodents in Egypt), 1988 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Mitschker-Heinkel, Barbara, Trächtigkeitsfrühdiagnose an Ziegen in Venezuela (Pregnancy early diagnosis of goats in Venezuela), 1988 Summary only in German as View- PDF
  • Müller, Sabine, Regeneration von Medicago-Weiden im Ley-Farming-System und ihre Bedeutung für die Schafproduktion in Syrien (Regeneration of Medicago pastures in the Ley Farming System and its importance for sheep production in Syria), 1988 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Brosi, Hildegard, Milch- und Fleischproduktion im Valle de Aroa, Venezuela (Milk and meat production in Valle de Aroa, Venezuela), 1987 Summary only in German as View- PDF
  • König, Rudolf C. W., Vergleich von Ziege und Dromedar im ariden Norden Kenias hinsichtlich Futterpräferenzen und Nährstoffaufnahme (Comparison of goat and dromedary in northern Kenya in terms of feed preferences and nutrient uptake), 1987 Summary as View- PDF
  • Oexle, Katharina, Untersuchungen zur Qualität von Ziegenmilch in Burundi (Studies on the quality of goat"s milk in Burundi), 1987 Summary only in German as View- PDF
  • Schnitzer, Thomas, Endoparasiten bei Ziegen in Burundi (Endoparasites of goats in Burundi), 1987 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Heinkel, Jörg, Untersuchungen über Milchleistung und Körpergewicht an Kreuzungen aus Milchrassen und Criollo Ziegen in Venezuela (Studies on milk performance and body weight of crossbreeds from dairy cattle and Criollo goats in Venezuela), 1986 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Lohrmann, Jürgen, Futterwahl und Nährstoffaufnahme von Ziegen auf einer Buschweide in Malawi (Feed selection and nutrient intake of goats on a bush pasture in Malawi), 1986 Summary as View-PDF
  • Peltzer, Thomas Johannes, Möglichkeiten der Ochsenanspannung im Settlement- Scheme Domasi am Lake Chilwa, Malawi (Use of draught oxen in the settlement scheme Domasi at Lake Chilwa, Malawi), 1986 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Hördt-Küttner, Roland, Kaninchen- und Meerschweinchenproduktion in Peru (Rabbit and guinea pig production in Peru), 1985 Summary only in German as View- PDF
  • Holzer, Renate, Untersuchungen zum Verhalten und zur Verdauungsphysiologie der Rohrratte (Thryonomys Swinderianus) (Studies on the behavior and the digestive physiology of the cane rat (Thryonomys Swinderianus)), 1985 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Küttner, Angela, Entwicklungsanalyse des Distriktes Santa Domingo de Morropón (Peru) und Förderungsansätze für die Tierproduktion (Developmental analysis of the district of Santa Domingo de Morropón (Peru) and promotion approaches for animal production), 1985 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Ernst, Reinhild, Qualitative Aufnahme nativer Futterpflanzen durch Ziegen und ihr Freßverhalten im Gelände. Untersuchung während der Trockenzeit auf der Chapada Grande in Zentralpiaul im Nordosten Brasiliens (Qualitative intake of native fodder plants by goats and their feeding behavior in the field. Study during dry season on the Chapada Grande in Central Piaul in north-east Brazil), 1984 Summary only in German as View- PDF
  • Kremer, Silvie, Stand der Tierproduktion in Tansania und bisherige Ansätze zu ihrer Verbesserung (State of animal production in Tanzania and previous approaches to their improvement), 1984 Summary only in German as View-PDF
  • Siegel, Albrecht, Ein Beitrag zum Einsatz des Kleincomputers in der Tierzucht in Entwicklungsländern - Entwicklung von Programmen und Minimumquadratschätzung und Auswertung von Daten aus Ceylanpinar/Türkei (A contribution to the use of the microcomputer in animal breeding in developing countries - Development of programs and minimum squares estimation and evaluation of data from Ceylanpinar / Turkey), 1984 Summary as View- PDF
  • Karb, Helmut, Zuchtwertschätzung (BLUP-Methode) auf einem Kleinrechner für die Bedingungen in Entwicklungsländern (Genetic evaluation (BLUP method) on a microcomputer for the conditions in developing countries), 1982 Summary only in German as View- PDF


Information material and requirements for funding can be found under the following link:

► Application forms 2017
► Contact Dr. Marcus Giese, Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute, Uni. Hohenheim
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