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Hermann Eiselen Scholarship Program

The Foundation fiat panis grants scholarships for master theses at the University of Hohenheim, which contribute to the reduction of under- and malnutrition as well as the alleviation of rural poverty in developing countries or newly industrialized countries of the South. The scholarships serve to promote above-average qualified students from Hohenheim with a development or tropics-relevant focus. In addition, students of other universities may be supported in exceptional cases under the supervision of Hohenheim university lecturers. The objective of the Foundation fiat panis must be recognizable in the research work. In addition, solutions to improve food security must be a part of the work.

From 1982 until end of 2009, the Eiselen Foundation supported diploma and master students with travel grants, so that they could collect data in developing countries for their research work. Since January 1, 2010, the Foundation fiat panis is supporting diploma and master students. A total of 644 diploma and master theses have been completed since 1983 with the help of our funding. The aomunt of investment for this program is in total 1.17 million Euros.

Since 2010, this program has been named "Hermann Eiselen Scholarship Program".

The support is based on a proposal by Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Erwin Reisch from 1982, who was at that time director of the Tropical Center at the University of Hohenheim. He was farsighted enough to properly assess the importance of encouraging young scientists to combat hunger in the world. It is gratifying that a large number of scholarship recipients in one or other form have remained faithful to this commitment to a world free from hunger.

The Hermann Eiselen Scholarship Program is a unique and exemplary institution in the field of tropical agricultural research and teaching in Germany, and makes an important contribution to the education of the students. The stay abroad is an ideal preparation for any activity in the field of development co-operation.

The scholarship program does not only enable young people to carry out the experiments and surveys required for scientific work during their stay abroad, but also gives them the opportunity to meet people of other cultures and their living conditions. The expansion of the personal field of experience in the implementation of scientific work under partial extreme conditions is becoming increasingly important with regard to competitiveness on the national and international labor market.


Information material and requirements for funding can be found under the following link:

► Application forms 2017
► Contact Dr. Marcus Giese, Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute, Uni. Hohenheim
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Stiftung fiat panis / Foundation fiat panis
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D-89073 Ulm
Deutschland / Germany
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